
What is a emoitional hanicapped person and......?

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does it affect the person their whole life and should they get treatment and take anti-depressants and do they have chances to far with their education?




  1. Are you referring to "emotional disability" also known as "emotional behavioral disability?"  It is a general term and includes: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, and a bunch of others.

    Treatment varies from person to person and on the type of disability/disorder. Sometimes, medication is needed and sometimes not.

    It's best to see a mental health professional, get a proper diagnosis, and a regimen to manage it.

    A person is only limited by their disorder in so far as they are unable to manage their disability and it actually "handicaps" them.

    That's why it's no longer appropriate to call it a "handicap."  As a matter if fact, "handicap" is now considered derogatory.  It is more accepted to call it a "disability."

  2. an emotional disturbance (ED) usually consists of a mental disorder that adversely affects a student's academic and most times social functioning. Most disorders that qualify under ED include: any mood disorder such as depression, dysthymia, and anxiety. Most times Oppostional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder are NOT considered EDs because those are usually behaviors the student choses to do. Mood disorders occur due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain or can occur due to a traumatic experience that occured (not all the time). Other disorders are genetic and can begin to appear later in life or begin early (the child is misbehaving in class) and end up being severe (the child is experiencing visual and/or auditory hallucinations).

    The important thing to remember (and like I said before) is that a student with an emotional disturbance will qualify for services as a special education student only if the behavior/emotional disability is affecting their education and socialization.

    There are many treatment options available: sp. ed. services to help with accomodations and modifications in the classroom, counseling, and psychiatric treatment.

    Many students can overcome their disability within a few years and go on to become successful adults. Others learn to cope with their disability and seek help when they need it. While others, struggle to fight against their disability and may end up hospitalized or in jail. These people usually have very minimal support from their families and the community.

  3. Educationally, there are criteria for being labeled with an emotional handicap. Here they are:

    An emotional handicap is defined as a condition resulting in persistent and consistent maladaptive behavior, which exists to a marked degree, which interferes with the student's learning process, and which may include but is not limited to any of the following characteristics:

        *An inability to achieve adequate academic progress, which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors

        *An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers

        *Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances

        *A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression

        * A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems

    In addition to the above criteria, an emotional handicap must exist over an extended period of time, and in more than one situation.  The emotional handicap must interfere with the student's learning in academic areas, social-personal development, language development, or behavioral progress and control.

    I was bi-polar all the way through school and had many emotional problems due to abuse. However, with good counseling and good meds, I have had a very happy life. It took a while to get to this point, but I am an example of someone who has overcome a pretty severe emotional disturbance.

  4. This represents a group of people who needs some support in dealing with the day to day issues. The support varies with need.

  5. I have worked with SH students, some of them were there for being emotionaly disturbed (ED).  They were concidered normal untill a tramatic experience shut down their mind.  Now since I was working with SH (severely handicapped) their education was limited in many ways.  But not all ED students end up shutting down.  Some may only have aggression problems or communication problems.  If someone who is ED still has all of their senses with them, then they can go as far as they want in school.

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