
What is a episcatarian?

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What is a episcatarian?




  1.  how about you just eat what you eat,, and no body gives a feck



  2. It's someone who eats both plant matter and fish and is no way related to vegetarianism.

  3. Piscatarian:

    Eats fish but excludes red meat and poultry.

  4. I could'nt find a episcatarian. Though, I  heard of a episcopalian which is a follower of  denomanation.

    Episcopalian: pertaining or adhering to the Episcopal Church in America.

  5. episcatarian:  one who eats only Episcopalians.

  6. Do you mean pescatarian? That is all the sense I can make out of that. If youre talking about that, then its someone who doesnt eat5 any meat except fish. (Basically an omnivore.)

  7. Someone or something which lives on dung.

    From the Greek prefix "epi-" meaning "upon" (as in epidermis, epidural) and "skato-" meaning "dung" (as in scatology) plus a suffix (adapted from Latin), "-arian" used to designate someone who follows a certain philosophy or occupation or hobby or who is in a particular age group. (As in antiquarian, Rastafarian, octogenarian, vegetarian, humanitarian, veterinarian, etc.) In Neo-Latin, it would probably be "episcatarius" for the adjective and "episcatarianus" for the noun (plural: episcatariani).

  8. Episcopalian?  I think you mean pescatarian.  That is someone who is almost a vegetarian, but eats fish...Therefore they are not a vegetarian.  Some websites claim that pescatarians can eat chicken too, but I think that is pointless.

  9. A vegtetarian that still eats fish.

    There are also vegetarians who eat no meat but eggs and vegetarians that don't eat meat or dairy, but still eat eggs and honey. Confused, yet? ;D

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