
What is a facist goverment?

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What is a facist goverment?




  1. basically is pretty much what we have now..

    why you ask?

  2. Fascists promote a type of national unity that is usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, national, racial, and/or religious attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as among its integral parts: nationalism, militarism, anti-communism, totalitarianism, statism, dictatorship, economic planning (including corporatism and autarky), populism, collectivism, autocracy and opposition to classic political and economic liberalism.

    Many scholars state that n**i Germany is the primary example of such a government.  The book 1984 is good reading of a fictional government. There are many parrells to the present day Bush Administration when you look at some of the rallying cries they have used, and how they have restricted civil liberties.

  3. Robert Mugabe's

    (To some extent George W Bush's, too)

  4. In the current situation  in Britain it might, sadly, be an improvement.

  5. Two people more than qualified to answer that, thatcher and bush

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