
What is a favorite "politician" joke?

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What is one of your favorite "politician" jokes:

Here's two of mine: Three, young boys are walking by a small lake,

when they see two men, struggling in the water, near an overturned boat. The boys throw the men life-rings and ropes, and manage to rescue the men. The two men turn out to be Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

As a reward for saving them, the men promise the boys anything they want. One boy asks for a motor-bike, "You got it", they promise.

The next boy asks for a fancy home computer. "No problem", the

men reply. The last boy (after thinking carefully) says,

"I want the best funeral money can buy".

Clinton and Gore reply: "Why would you ask for something like that?"

The third boy answers: "Because when my father finds out what I've

done, he's gonna kill me". 2/ Q: How can you tell when a politician

is lying? A: His lips are moving.




  1. Hillary Clinton went for her annual exam. After the exam, the OB-GYN  told her that she was pregnant, and in great shape. Hillary couldn't believe the news and stormed out of the office. She rushed to her limo and picked up the phone to call the Oval Office.

    "You got me pregnant! How could you be so careless?" There is a silence on the other end. Finally, she hears Bill's voice.

    "Who is this?''

  2.                      i fear 3 things

                        1) yo mama


                         3) obama

  3. Bush has been in office for 8 years.

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