
What is a feminist?

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yea i know stupid question..but i still want to know!




  1. "Feminism is the radical idea that women are people"

    A feminist is someone(there are male and females)  who stands for equal rights between the s*x's all over the world.  Feminism in the past got women the right to vote, marry who they wish, right to have or not have children, equal pay for equal work, fights sexism, right to an equal education. etc etc etc

  2. Feminists: Men and women who strive for equal opportunities for men and women. Really radical-lol.

  3. I answered this same question a little while ago, so I'll just copy and paste it:

    I'm pretty sure there's no such thing...

    Because any time people want to call them out on their negative behaviors, suddenly "feminism" turns into a vaporous aberration that isn't accountable for anything.

    As soon as it's time to hand credit out for doing the "good things" feminism is a solid and determined cohesive force.

    When you read about feminists writing anti-male literature and when you see them with sexist attitudes about "the patriarchy" and when you see the types of laws they like to write giving women advantages...

    You'd think you can hold them accountable for that.

    Nope... not true.

    The finger is pointed to the "phantom-feminists" that somehow do all of those things unbeknownst to the others in the movement.

    So if you find out, please let me know.

  4. someone stuck on the inequalities only women experience

    i'm not a feminist..i'm an equalist..i dont want any special rights..and believe it or not..i acknowledge there are all sorts of isms outside sexism...whoda thunk?

  5. I'm waiting for the punch line.

  6. The idea that women have the same equal rights as men in everything.

  7. men-haters.

  8. a feminist is a woman who doesn't have to rely on a man to live or be happy. they are proud of being women and hate it when other women are mistreated or belittled for their s*x.

  9. Someone who sees females as independant and they are equal or greater, don't need a man.

  10. Someone who believes women are better than men.

  11. One who thinks women should get as many rights as men do.

  12. somthing every woman should be!

  13. Just another word for *****

  14. There are two answers:

    According to the dictionary noun

    a person who supports feminism.

    Now what is feminism

    Feminism comprises a number of movements, theories and philosophies that are concerned with issues of gender difference, that advocate equality for women, and that campaign for women's rights and interests.

    The second answer is according to Ali G.  He thinks two females doing "funny" things as in homosexuality.  However the second answer is meant to be a joke.

  15. Someone who thinks that women should get the same/more rights then men, or get angry when women are in any way treated lesser then men....

  16. Delusionals in distress.

  17. Someone that acts like Hillary.  A woman that dresses up in business suits and is a little too dynamic.  Its good that women have more rights than in the past, but the feminist types don't attract me.  That why I like European girls better.

  18. Feminism:  A political  group that seeks to promote and improve better conditions for  women. Often doing it at the expense of making bad conditions for men and giving special rights for women.

    They also speak seeking for equality between women and men. But their actions speak louder and it seem that they mean the Orwellian type or equality

    "We are all equal,but some are more equal than others."
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