
What is a food that you don't like even though it's popular to many?

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For me it's squash & Sushi.




  1. Spaghetti. I like all other forms of pasta but spaghetti - or noodles - always look like a bunch of thin, white worms...and that horrible sucking, slurping stuff in order to eat it - disgusting. Still, millions love it and, as a chef of over 25 years experience, it's the only food I can't stomach. Oh, apart from mussels, winkles, cockles and molluscs in general. Why would you eat these snotty, rubbery and tasteless pieces of fatty, gristley slugs? Still, millions love 'em so what can you do?

  2. I'm not a fan of french fries. Whenever I'm at a restaurant and french fries come with the meal, I opt for a veggie instead.  

  3. twinkies

  4. i don't eat meat.

    i hate strawberries.

    i don't like blueberries.

    i don't like celery.  

  5. blueberries, bell peppers, mountain dew,  thats all i can think of. lol.

  6. mushrooms, everyone I know loves the smelly little things, ergh...

  7. Gravy- any kind. No thank you, I don't want vomit on my mashed potatoes.

  8. Egg drop soup, gravy, biscuits, hotdogs, tater tots.  I can't put any bean of any kind in my mouth.  Yuck!  Also forgot, not a fan of mashed potatoes, either, and it seems like everybody else goes crazy for them.  I'm the weird person in my family who eats what everybody else thinks is nasty!  And I hate raspberries. And popcorn.

  9. tuna and peas

    my daughter doesn't eat bread or anything to do with it

  10. steak!


  11. Tomatoes and watermelon

  12. sushi and tomatoes and olives and peppers and tea

  13. spinnish..

  14. Eggplant.

    I don't know why because I like meat and it's a meaty veggie. It just makes me sick. Probably because I haven't had it prepared properly but I definitely hate eggplant.  

  15. for me it's popcorn

    and bananas

    and chips

    with lays, i CAN have just one :)

    also buffalo wings...

  16. I have never liked celery, cooked or uncooked. I also don't care for fois gras which everyone seems to think is to die for.

  17. mustard

  18. Get Ready now! Lobster

  19. pizza.... i can't stand it.

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