
What is a frugal way to sterilize a chicken egg hatching incubator?

by Guest32130  |  earlier

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I had an egg explode in the incubator. There are still viable eggs in there . What houshold product can I use that will not harm the remaining eggs.




  1. The shells of the hatching eggs are enough protection. After hatching, first clean the inside thoroughly, and then disinfect the incubator with a solution of formaldehyde and potassium permanganate kept in a dish and keeping the unit closed for about half an hour.

    After all, the hen does not sit in a sterile environment for hatching.

  2. wait till after the eggs hatch, then clean with bleach and water, let air dry.  bleach is the only thing that kills every kind of bacteria

  3. If you need to clean it up right away use only hot water and a little soap. Clean the areas that you can without disturbing the eggs a little at a time so as not to lower your temperature for a long period of time.  Leave the areas on and around the eggs until they hatch. then clean and disinfect the incubator before using it again.

  4. hahahahaha

  5. Don't do anything until after hatching.  Then clean it with household cleaners.  Let it dry completely.  Then swap it down with rubbing alcohol.

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