
What is a fruit in scientific way?

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What is a fruit in scientific way?




  1. a fruit is the ripened ovary-together with seeds-of a flowering plant. All fruits have seeds. Vegetables are the leaves, stems, roots of a plant.

  2. Fruit is the matured ovary of the pistil of a flower. This is brought about by the fertilization of the ovum. Once it is fertilised the embryo forms and the surrounding ovule develops into a seed. That is why a seed is sometimes called a fertilised ovule.  The ovary wall surrounding the seed becomes the fruit.

  3. it's the ovary of a plant

    the seeds are inside and what we consider a fruit is actually a fleshy coating that makes it appealing to animals so that they will consume it, fertilize it, and "deposit it" in a new location so that the seeds can grow.

    maybe this will help...

  4. i am pretty sure that it has to grow on a tree or a bush. tomatoes are technically a fruit.

  5. Hi John,

    FRUIT: 1. Any product of vegetable growth useful to humans or animals (i.e. grapes, figs, corn, cotton, flax, and all cultivated plants). There are many kinds of fruit and they differ greatly in character and degree of complexity. 2. The reproductive product of a plant; the seed of plants, or the part that contains the seeds. 3. An edible, juicy product of a plant, usually covering the seeds (i.e. apple, orange, a berry, a melon, etc.). 4. The matured ovary of a plant, consisting of the seeds and their pericarp (coating) and including whatever may be incorporated with it; also, the spores of cryptogams and the organs accessory to them. (verb) 1. To produce fruit; to come into bearing.

    This is according to "".

    However, most people (including Botanists) technically define fruit as the matured pollinated ovary of a plant (Definition #4, above).

    I hope that this is of some help to you.

    Hiking Tony

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