
What is a generalization?

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What is a generalization?




  1. Being able to use a specific skill in multiple environments. For instance, if you are teaching life skills students to use a grocery store, you need to make sure to go to different grocery stores. They need to learn the cues to help them find grocery store items no matter where they are. That is generalization, and it's a very important skill for special needs students.

  2. something that pertains to everyone

  3. Opposite of Specialization.  Generally/loosely/mostly.

  4. The process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances

  5. to use a specific concept throughout your environment.

    A child can be taught the concept of 'red' using a few toys.  He genralizes this when he can look at anything that is red in his environment and know that it is red.

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