
What is a genocide, and where is darfer?

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What is a genocide, and where is darfer?




  1. Genocide is the systematic destruction of an entire people.

    Darfur is in the Sudan in Africa here :

  2. its when a group commits mass murder. darfur is in africa.

    yeah seriously, i hope your joking....

  3. darfur is in sudan

    and genocide is the killing of a whole race of people

  4. a genocide (geno = race/family... and (cide = kill) is the mass killing of a group of people for race, ethnicity, religion.... the word come from other words that have to do with killing. suicide means killing yourself, homicide means killing a person....

    Darfur is a region in the Sudan which is in North Africa. In Darfur, there are two main groups of people. The Arabs live in North Sudan and the Black people live in South Sudan. They don't get along for a lot of reasons. A lot of violence has come out of their conflict and it's gotten pretty bad from I hear. The Janjaweed are a group of Arabic terrorists in Sudan basically going around killing the Black people, raping their women and committing horrible things. Their government is not doing anything about it. A lot of people think that the international community, especially powerful countries like the US should get involved and help.

  5. Genocide is killing a lot of people because they are not like you and it's spelled Darfur it's in Western Sudan


    Genocide is the systematic mass killing of people.

    Darfur is in Africa.

    Go look up this'll read one article and be ashamed to be a human.

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