
What is a glue trap for?

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what animals are supousted to get traped in glue traps because a baby feild mouse got stuck in one 2 days ago and i gave it a handful of shreded cheese but somehow it moved from one side to another and it looked like its foot was off and when i went downstairs to see it it was all the way on the other side dead so if you know what glue traps are for please tell me.




  1. Most are made for mice. If the trap is just a flat piece of plastic with glue on it, that's it.

  2. yeah they are primarily used to catch small mice like your little field mouse.  when a mouse gets stuck they panic and try to get off just making it stick more to them then they wind up usually dying due to panic/heart attack for animals in a way.

    don't try to pull them back off because you run the risk of getting bite by the animal and you don't know what diseases that they may have.

    Also if you live in a state that is considered high in brown recluse spiders the glue trap is a good way to catch them and any other spider that could be lurking around your house or basement.

  3. To kill rodents. Thats it.

  4. After working for Orkin for 7 years, glue traps were used to catch mice primarily depending on the size of the glue trap.  Used indoors, they can also be used to monitor insect activity.  If you caught a mouse, then you may have more than just one in your home.  Check all of your exterior doors to make sure they seal properly, as well as pipes that come up from under the home too.  Seal them using copper mesh and expanding foam and install a new threshold at your door.  I used glue traps mainly as a monitoring device in between visits.  If more than one mouse is caught, then contact your local exterminator.  Hope that helps!!

  5. They are for mice, and they work pretty well.  However it is possible sometimes for the mouse to free himself from the trap.  I checked one of our traps once last winter and it looked beat up and covered with hairs, but no mouse anywhere.  Obviously he got very lucky.

  6. I've used them for bugs - not small animals.  

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