
What is a good, easy fish for a 10 gallon tank?

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I have a 10 gallon freshwater fish tank that currently only has 1 little sucker fish (he is only 1 inch long, and will stay that way). What can I put in the tank with him that is interesting, but relatively easy to care for?

I need something that wont eat my little sucker fish. I want something interesting, but not expensive. Also, I would prefer it not to be a school of fish, but maybe one or two.

I had a betta in the tank, but he was not very exciting. He just sat at the bottom untill I fed him. I would rather not get another one.

Do you have any breeds or types of fish that you would recommend? Something cool, like a weird looking one. And it can't grow out of a 10 gallon tank.





  1. some goby fish and clowns are good here look at some stuff here, when you click the pics it will tell you all about the fish.

  2. paradise fish are nice and hardy. if you read up you'll find that paradise fish was one of the first "tropical" fish available in the hobby because it was the only one hardy enough to survive the long voyage by ship in milkcans with out oxygen or heating. another easy to care for fish is killifish. killifish is actual a generic term for a large group of very colorful fishes. or get a pair of dwarf cichlids and watch them set up house and tend to the children. there are actually too many good choices so it's really hard  to pin down one as the best.

    most puffers prefer brackish water and some sucker fish will not tolerate salt so you should do more research as to which species you  are getting to prevent problems later on

  3. honestly if your looking for a schooling fish, then you would want to get a bigger tank.   no fish even a small fish would be able to school and group together in a tank that small.  

    but if you want some easy fish to take care of in the 10 gal i would recomend any live berror fish.   which there breeds include:



    sword fish


    also some other good fish for a tank that small is:

    zebra danios

    neon tetras

    glow fish

    any sort of tetra for that matter

    but remember that they are all fish that need a heater.   the heat should be between 68-82    in between there should be just fine.  

    also you will want to cycle your tank and make sure the nitrate levels in the tank are correct for that type of fish.    taking care of a beta in a tank is one thing....they are easy to take care of and dont require much care.......other kinds of fish are another story.   you got tons of health problems.  like pop eye and ick   those are the most common i have found.    

    also the live berrors are extreamly easy to breed.  so unless you want a bunch of baby fish in your tank that will eventualy get out of hand and you will either kill all your fish or you will make desease in your tank.    so be very careful with that.    i personaly would only get males.  they cost a little more but they are worth it.    

    if you have any questions at all dont hesitate to email me.

    ADD  ON!

    if you really want to spice up your tank get some khili loches.   there so cute they come in black with red adn white, or they can come in black, red, or brown.    they look like a snake almost.  but what they do is look around on the bottom of the tank and find food that was dropped by the other fishes and not eaten.    

    ghost shrimp would be good also there interesting to watch.  

    ummmm    african dwarf frogs are cute but require extra care and are kinda hard to take care of if you dont know what your doing.

  4. get a fany goldfish there are many different types and some look really cool. they are very active little fish and fun to watch they don't need a heater but you would need to have a filter.  heres a video of mine so you know what i'm talking about

  5. dwarf puffer mabye? i know they only grow to 1 inch, at the store when i saw them they were interesting and small, and walmart had 2 of them alive in one of the tanks so they must be easy to take care of lol

    I dont think a 1 inch puffer would be able to kill a sucker fish, they have hard bodys with tons of bones ive had success with them in piranha tanks, and i dont think theres any sucker fishes that only stay at 1 inch so it might grow

    dont listen to the person below me, oscars grow up to 18 inches, and the most common design for a 10 gallon aquarium is only 20 inches long so that leaves 2 inches moving space... not acceptable

  6. dwarf puffers are difficult to take care of...not a good starter fish at all...they need precise ph and other water reqmnts...definitely not easy...not oscar..NEVER..oscars need 75 gallon tanks...and they will outgrow 10 gallon in a matter of weeks...

    2-3 guppies maybe... or dalmatian mollies..or 2-3 platy...shrimps or snails..nothing else tht is easy and will not outgrow the tank...nothing else...and what do you mean when you say the sucker fish will stay 1 inch only...what kind of fish is it???

  7. so far you have an oto. they like to be in groups of three or more, so get two more otos, then get two or three opaline gourami. just be sure to get all one gender, or two females to every male.

  8. guppies! you can put 15-20 in a 10 gallon

  9. how about an Oscar? they only grow as big as the tank will let them and you can train them to jump up and get food you are holding, but you have to keep a top on the tank or they will jump out.

  10. i think you have otocinclus

    which would actually go good with dwarf puffers

    i wouldn't keep more then 3 of them in a 10 gallon tank though, since they're extremly territorial

    also get 2-3 more of the otos, they like to school

    here is some more info on dwarf puffers

  11. Molly's are a good fish they come in different colors, a hearty fish and they breed well, I have had a dwarf Puffer and i didnt have very good luck, i found them to be very sensitive to the ph balance of the water. Or you can go with tetras and ghost shrimp are interesting to watch if you like a lot of bottom life.. they keep your tank clean to.

  12. dwarf puffers are aggressive and will kill the other fish. They are also picky eaters you might have to buy blood worms or even live food like snails. Get an upside down catfish! Or maybe a glass catfish. They both grow to 3 or 4 inches.  I would have a small group of 3 but choose one or get some tetras.

    Here's a link explaining if you want to have dwarf puffers there great and very intelligent but do best with only species in that tank.

    Be sure that you have cycled your tank, adding lots of fish at one time can spike ammonia in your fish tank and its the number one killer.  It would take about a month.

    Whats your favorite color? mollies, platies and tetras have a wide verity of color.

    African dwarf frogs are cute and do well in 10 gallons.

    Do you know what kind of sucker fish? Is it an otto catfish?  That is the only one that stays one to two inches.

  13. Paradise fish would be a great addition in a 10 gallon tank.

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