
What is a good 5-mile time for a 13-year old boy?

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I just ran 5 miles in 39:20. I'm in track, but we don't train very hard. I also run on my own. I think with about 3 months of serious training I could lower my time to about 36 minutes. Is this good?




  1. Thats pretty good. you know what you should do? If you want to get good, train hard. If every mile is 7 minutes your time would be about 35:00. I run the mile and i get my coach to tell me intervals for each 1/8 mile. you need a coach to tell you your time for each mile. If your over the time you should speed up. If your under the time you should slow down. Thats right, slow down.  the first mile should be 7:00 give or take a second. The second, 14:00. Thats the pace you should set for yourself if you really want it. My goal for the track season this year was 6:00 and I ended up with 5:25.

  2. wow thats great

  3. I wasn't good at running the mile, I did super well the first 2 laps then by the 4th I wasn't moving very fast. I wasn't the last in by any means but I usually did 9-10 minutes. Not super good. I was about midway between the fast runners & the super super slow runners/walkers. There were boys & girls that finished in less than 7 mins for the mile. Don't think anyone hit 5 minutes but I don't know if it ends up taking more time in that last mile or two because you are tired. *shrug* I dunno but I'd say 35-36 mins would be very good. Just answering cuz no one else is...Just a thought

  4. thats a decent time.

    if you divide your time, about 39 minutes, by five, you're running a 7.8 minute mile split.

    a really good 5-mile run would be about 30 min for a 13-yr. old boy, which would be a 6 minute mile split.

    keep working hard! =)

  5. Wow! You have gotten a lot of positive responds. Truth be told, it  just an OK time. Even 36 minutes is just OK. But it just depends on what you are trying to do. If it for just recreational jogging then good.. you're doing great. But if you are going to try out for the high school cross country team then under 7 minutes or really under 6:40 miles is what you need to be  not to get cut by the cross country coach.

  6. I am 13 years as well. I noticed that many people our age aren't very good at very long distances. Your time is very good, about average. My personal best is 26:43, but only because of the training my coach provides for us. Our school is kind of a cross country school. I would say you are right on with where your'e supposed to be. I bet in three months you will get way below that. Best of luck.

  7. 2miles are run at 13 minutes usually, for 13 year old guys.

    I run a seven-minute-mile at 13 years old being a girl.

    So do the math.

  8. wow thats pretty good and my best mile time is like 9.06 so yeah that is really good

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