
What is a good ACT Score?

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it says my composite score was that good or BAD..Idon't know...HELP!!




  1. 21 is the average score. 18 is below average.

    A good score is 27+, a very good score is 32+ and the perfect score is 36.

    I think you should retake it, I mean, you can get into a college with that score, but it is not a college you would normally want ... Also, consider ACT prep books. They've been known to improve scores with as much as 12 points.

  2. It is average.

  3. Take it again if you're wanting to go to a competitive university or college. Buy those study prep books and take a prep course. They'll give you tips on how to manage your time better and comprehend the questions better. They help--if you're willing to make the commitment. But don't stress too much about it--once you're in college, your old ACT scores don't mean ****. Good luck!

  4. is good

  5. ummm it is not good enough to get into competitive colleges such as University of Illinois and such, but you can get into some colleges that are smaller, like SEMO... That is a bit lower than average, and I suggest you take the ACT again if you can... There is a good chance your score will improve, and it wont hurt you if you score lower.

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