
What is a good Age to have Children??

by  |  earlier

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i Am Currently Engaged and i'm 17 i'm getting married in about 11 months and i was Just wondering what would be a good age to have children i don't want to have them right away i want atleast two years with my husband and to get on our feet financially but My fiance is almost 23 so i have to think of his age too so i thought maybe at 20 or 21 and that would make him 26 or 27 what do you think?




  1. Don't rush having children - enjoy your life as a young 20-something. You also want to have time as a married couple to enjoy each other and travel and make some money, too.

    I think late 20's - 30's is a good time.  

  2. There is no set age on a good age to have children. I think it is based on the parents and their wants. If the parents feel that they are ready for the joys of parenthood it should not matter an age, unless of course you are not financiallyy or mentally ready for parenthood.  I did not have my first child until i knew i was ready. I was 27 years old, but i had bought a home and had a steady job making more than enough to support the child and mother no matter what came about. because you have to also look at the fact that you will be off work for quite some time and that is even if you decide to go back to work.

    think long and hard and i am sure you will make the right choice yeah dont forget the cost of day care.  

  3. 28-30 is the best age.

  4. Don't rush having kids.  They are wonderful and great but boy does your life change.  Enjoy the married life without kids for a while.  Don't worry about his age as much as your age.  You are young yet so it will be ok to wait a while.  By the way you are never financially ready to have kids.  When the time is right you will know.

  5. When your 22-23

    which makes him 25 or 26.

    Good Luck<3

    It's always great to have young parents.

  6. late 20's girl

  7. That was me and my husband i think it worked out great... i got pregnant at 20 and had our daughter at 21 and my husband was 26 and turned 27 before she was born. We have been married for 5 years and im about to deliver our 3rd daughter in a week. It worked for us so i think its great :) Good Luck!!

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