
What is a good Army MOS for me?

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i scored an 80 on my Asvab and i love the water. i am great with numbers and i love to surf. I plan only to go for 4 years because i want to get my schooling paid for. any suggestions on an MOS?




  1. Well the main question I have for you is what do you want to be when you grow up?  Just kidding but seriously you should pick an MOS that is in a field that you want to atudy when you get out. I mean it doesn't make sense to become a mechanic if you are interested in the law enforcement. You see?

  2. Try 18 series, Special Forces. EARN that degree! Seriously though, you have to WANT to be a soldier. You will not make it if you don't WANT to be a member of a motivated team.

    That said...if you like surfing, definitely join the Navy and go to Hawaii. If you like numbers, you could be a Combat Engineer (go to Sapper School, earn the Sapper tab), a Human Resources Specialist, let's see, what else...Field Artillery, a Mason, a Mechanic. There are a lot of jobs you could do with that score, just make sure you want to do them before signing on the dotted line...I got a 98 on my ASVAB and I did 37F PSYOP. You'll use your brain, but there's no water or numbers. Same with Military Intelligence or MP. Civil Affairs, MOS 38A, uses numbers to help rebuild infrastructure and oversee engineering projects, finances, water supply and so on.

    Just ask on YahooAnswers if anyone has done a job you're thinking about, and they'll give you a rundown of daily life in your MOS as a private.  Maybe contact a local NG or Reserve Unit that does a job you're thinking about and ask if you could meet with them to discuss the MOS. Recruiters are a little more focused on the good points of any job sometimes, so it helps to talk to recently discharged or current soldiers whom you trust.

    If you decide the Army's not for you, there are student loans. Fill out a FAFSA to find out what loans and grants you're eligible for. I promise you either way, you will PAY for and EARN your education. If you choose the Army, maybe more so. You could pay with your life or that of a fellow soldier, and that's no joke. The military is no free ride and never will be. I don't mean that to be unduly harsh, I just want you to know the truth, having been through it. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  3. 21D is Army diver (engineers)...they are IN the water and do such things as underwater welding, cutting, search/patrol, mine removal, and construction. Other Army MOS' most people do not know about is watercraft operator and watercraft engineer, which both are boat/ship jobs and are stationed in Virginia or Hawaii. It is in the transportation career field, but it is in the water. Also, as a bridge crew member (engineers) you will do waterway recon and lay bridges or rivers and such.

    However, if you're only in for the 4 years and college benefits, I would recommend something that is not as involving such as Ranger or Special Forces. Then again, you may want your 4 years to be highly memorable. Either way, these few MOS' will be near or in/on the water. Also, some of these MOS' have high enlistment bonuses, and any job you pick will qualify you for GiBill benefits.

    You can also just pick an MOS that is universal, meaning that everybase will have one, such as firefighter, MP, finance, human resources/admin, public affairs, and supply. These are jobs that are essential support fields. Pick one of these MOS' and list all beach bound bases on your choice list (dream sheet).

  4. I hope you are ready to protect our COUNTRY and understand that this is NOT a free ride to getting a paid education.  

  5. have you considered the Navy?!

    there are a lot of navy bases near the

    um ocean

    and Marine bases

    not so much the Army

    but thank you for stepping up to serve our country

  6. if you arent scared of combat try M1 crewman, or infantry. but if you want a MOS that has a civilian counterpart, then a MP, or some kind or mechanic,

    if thats not the case.

    you can play the oboe for the army, good somewhat easy MOS's are cannon crew member,

    fire support specialist,

    Multiple launch rocket crew member, which are not in direct fire of enemy.

    I my self am leaving for basic in a few months, and i will be a MP, after active duty i will probably be a State Stooper

  7. Don't serve if you're doing it for the benefits. I can't stand that. Our military is not the Salvation Army that has come to rescue you so you don't have to live a debt free life.

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