
What is a good Designer job in Miami that pays?

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My girlfriend is a High School Junior in her 3rd year of art. She's very good at it and she has alot of talent. However, with the economy how it is right now she does'nt really know what job to take as a designer. She's looking for cloth, house, or anything that has to do with designing. Please let me know I will write back as soon as possible. Thank you




  1. Does she go to dash by any chance? If so what's her strand?There's not much you can do in Florida, you usually have to travel anyway to pursue a career in art.She can make a living painting school murals. I'm serious I met this part time model who had some rather ehh talent that earned 2000+ on something 10 by 15+ feet. She could make business cards, posters, advertise her talents. That's what artists do to get recognize.

    She can have part-time in a gallery (keeping things tidy or whatever)and every now and then exhibit her work or become an apprentice to an artist <<< right there you get more expertise and people of influence. She should go to the school counselor of course!

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