
What is a good EVP recording device?

by  |  earlier

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I have read and am interested in EVP. I wanted to buy some kind of recording device at high quality but at low cost. Do you have any recommendations for a recording device for picking up ghosts?




  1. Don't forget to read about the criticism of EVPs.  I have several, but chief among them:

    1.) How can a ghost speak without a voice box?

    2.) Is the spirit having a conversation with you?  If so, then why not speak in an intelligible voice?  Why not say something meaningful, rather than one or two words that mean little or nothing?

    3.) Recording devices are designed to capture sounds audible to the human ear.  Therefore, if a device can record a sound then you can hear it.

  2. I use a tape recorder, with an external mic. Reason being, this way, you have the original. I have boxes full of evp tapes.

    I do suggest in taping for evp's.

    Always use a brand new tape. Even if there is nothing but static on it, it can be debated.

    If you or anyone else around you makes a noise, cough, sneeze etc. Say that was me or who ever it was. Spirits do interact with our conversations.

    I always tell them, to speak loud & clear. If they don't, I will not accept their voice.

    The reason for an external mic is, every machine has it's own noise with in, though a external mic will not cut out all the noise, it will reduce alot of the machines noise.

    If you are on the jumpy side, do not record in your home. Some people feel as though they lost all their privacy. I suggest you record outside your home for a bit.

  3. Olympus makes some good digital recorders at good prices.  They sell them everywhere.  I get lots of stuff on mine, just not sure where it is coming from!  Also down load a program called Audacity.  Its free software and is good to play with your EVP's on your computer.

    Nice avatar

  4. Get yourself hooked up with a digital recorder.  You may be familiar with these as they are used by students in schools to record lectures or reporters to record interviews.  Avoid using a tape recorder.  The sound quailty isn't as good and the process of transferring audio to a computer is time consuming.  With a digital recorder, you can upload the sound file to a computer in seconds.  With a tape, you have to play the entire recorded portion of the tape while recording it with software on your computer.

  5. The best thing to use is a digital recorder with a microphone attached. You can get one like I have, actually I have two,  at wal-mart for about $30.00 and they work quite well. I also use my lap-top with excellent results. You can use a reel to reel type but, you have to use a new tape each time but, you get allot of tape hiss. I know people that uses their cam corders as well. The bottom line is, you don't have to spend a bundle to get good results. Got any more questions e-mail me at


    Organizer / Lead Investigator

    Litchfield Ghost Trackers Group

  6. tape recorder about $10 from walgreens

  7. Well I am going to offer a different opinion. I find most digital recorders worthless. Many have hard drives and once you upload into the software program the original is lost and any type of editing can be done including introducing fake sounds.

    If you have a digital recorder that uses one time use CDs are anything that produces a permanent record then you have evidence to present otherwise your recordings are worthless as evidence.

    I suggest a high quality external microphone that is placed at least 6 feet away from the recorder (I prefer high quality tape) so as to not record the mechanism of the recorder turning.

    Also do not walk around with the recorder as that will record the sounds of your walking, clothes moving, etc.

    Always be sure the device is stationary and that the area is clear of normal traffic (humans) that might be recorded,

    I want a Mercedes for the price of my Honda as well but that doesn't happen. A good Sony CD recorder can run you about $300 (they may have gone up) and a studio quality mic will start at about $150.

    If one theory is correct (spirits imprint on magnetic tape) then you don't need a recorder just a play back device. Listen to a new tape (this is boring I know first hand).

    Carry the tape with you and ask your questions or leave it somewhere and after the investigation listen again to see if anything was impressed on it. Spirits may require the machine but in truth we simply don't know. This is easier on the budget.


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