
What is a good Economic Term paper topic for beginning economics course?

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I am at the end of my Macroaeconomics course and need to start my term paper. I have a few ideas for topics but need some help. This is my first Economics class so it doesnt need to be a very in dephth analysis. It needs to be 3 pages, so I dont want to jump into any super broad topics either. Any help is appeciated.




  1. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

    should we drill for oil??? or keep the wild life???

    Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Why Trash an American Treasure for a Tiny Percentage of Our Oil Needs?


  3. The differences between real and nominal incomes in different cities.  I always find it fund to dissect corner store economics but that's micro.  Those guys are so shady.  Pick something really simple relating only to what you've learned.  Most macrosubjects get complicated really quickly.  If you want to impress them though get into macrobehavioral economics.  There's a famous book called micromotives and macrobehavior about people causing market failures by acting in their own interests.

  4. As someone mentioned before, a paper discussing Keynes economic theories would be good. Adam Smith and Karl Marx would also be good. Perhaps a comparison of all three?

  5. Try the fundamentals of money concept and the laws of money printing.

  6. I did mine a person...John Maynard Kaynes.  He was an economic theorist.  I found it easier to write about his contributions and theories than to disect a theory.  Good Luck!

  7. dont go into keynes if u do not want to think much try ur hand on something simple lik international fluctuations or growth say harrod-domar model with various calculations not presented u may also try something applied such as impact of monetary polic and effects of raising r inrecent times.....

    for good literature,

    1 ensure u hav a good book . mankiw's macroeconomics has neen my best bet for any introductury topics u may also try ronald shone' economic dynamics' but mankiw is more than enough(maths level is right) for basic level

    2 apllied topics r more appriciated for their applicationand illustrative purpose, try a search online and u'd hav all data and calculations ready with comments from experts try some good ones even if they seem a little abstact. decide which idea u want to buy and not what is selling. always work backwards, build theory first............

    3 if u make any political remark ensure it's true powerful and refined that'l ensure u always get +ve points, as a rule avoid them........

    be presise and upto point 3 pages is a lot then.........

    what teachers want is not great intricasies or hard work, that u hav a basic insight and some good understanbding/ ideas

    thats why i should suggest more reading nd little and well thought of (language gets points too) writing!

    4. consult the teacher at least indirectly(if pssible directly twice or tyhrice)

    u'll se the project ismade even before u had to work  for it!

    may be presentation on top of it would b hard, but it's a hard world dear!

  8. Enron...

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