
What is a good Foreign Exchange student program?

by Guest65512  |  earlier

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What is a good Foreign Exchange student program? I want to go Japan as a foreign Exchange student. Is there a good program that doesn't need language requirement and is not really expensive?

I going to study Japanese in the summer and maybe over the fall break and go in the Spring but don't want a requirement for a year or two.

Any information will be helpful!




  1. First I have to ask about your nationality, if your country includes in South East Asian, then the Ship for South East Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) is the answer. Every year, about 300 selected youths sail on Nipponmaru ship to visit almost all South East Asian countries and Japan. You can find the info on the website, with search key  : Ship for South East Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) or Nipponmaru.

  2. I am not sure about the no language requirements, but you could check out the Rotary Organization. That is what I am going through.

  3. I am with EF Foundation.  We have an outbound program that includes Japan  Here's a link to our site:

    If you have any questions feel free to email me :

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