
What is a good ROI for an investor that is a silent partner?

by  |  earlier

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Some more facts:

* I'll be running the business (a restaurant)

* I think that the parnter will invest a portion fo the business start up costs

* Partner will be a silent partner / not doing anything with the business

My QUESTION: What is a good agreement between both parties concerning ROI for the person that is investing int he business?




  1. Figure out what a local bank would charge under the same circumstances.  You then might want to add a hundred basis points to it (1%).

    If all goes well, buy him out.

    Remember 9 out of 10 new businesses fail.  

    Good Luck to you, in this economy you will need it.

  2. Return is directly proportional to risk. If you were the US gov issuing bonds, only then can you give 1% above bank rates and get an investor. For private business ventures, which tend to be pretty risky, you are looking for 20% minimum and possibly up to 50% ROI.

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