
What is a good Rum to go in a Strawberry Daiquiri?

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I know nothing about rum and am looking for a good place to start that isn't too strong or nasty c**p.




  1. Try's super yummy!

  2. daiquiri a cocktail was firstly made in Havana,Cuba, so obviously it has to be Bacardi even though Bacardi is no longer made in Cuba since Fidels regime got rid of it

  3. One word Bacardi

  4. Bacardi  You Should Try SoCo With Vanilla And Cinnamon

  5. Malibu is great for daiquiris

  6. malibu

  7. captain morgan is a good one. its made from spiced rum. :-)

  8. Bacardi is good and not too expensive.

  9. I would go w/ a white rum,

    Bacardi is a decent price and pretty good rum

    no offence though, when has any liquor taste good? ;P hehe jk but you know what i mean.

    but usually the more you pay, the better the quality of rum or product you will get.

    I am more of a vodka girl myself :P

  10. Bacardi

  11. bacardi light rum works VERY well with daiquris. it is a very good rum. hope this helps

  12. Angostura or even Bacardi will be nice. x

  13. bacardi is a good rum for your "basic" daquiri.  if you want to change it up again, try a flavored rum (malibu or the equivalent) or a spiced rum (captain morgan or the equivalent)

  14. I always go for Bacardi.

  15. morgans spice

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