
What is a good Title for a Baseball Themed Bulletion Board?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a day care with 5 two years olds and I am planning on making the bases with their name on it, and possibly having baseballs with their picture. I just need a good title! Thanks!




  1. take me out to the ball game....................... then, sing to em'.

  2. Taking a swing at summer!

    Our Homerun Hitters!

    Hey batter, batter! Swing into summer!

    A Grandslam Group!

  3. The DugOut Kids?  Or maybe have the kids think of something that relates to Baseball and then take a vote <it could take awhile to get an agreement buy you could always use the power of suggestion approach to get them to decide) and the name with the most votes is the one you use.

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