
What is a good age to get married? And then have kids (or adopt)?

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What is a good age to get married? And then have kids (or adopt)?




  1. this will help you

  2. That age is different for everyone.  Some people are ready to get married in their early 20's some aren't ready until their 30's or even 40's.

    You can't decide what to do by seeing what others are doing.  You need to sit down with your significant other and have a serious conversation and move forward when you are both ready.

    I'm 25 and my husband is 28.  We just got married a week ago.  My husband would love trying for a child now, but I'm not ready for that just yet, so we're holding off on it.   When we're both ready, then we'll talk about it again.

  3. There is no “good” age for any of that. Different people have the emotional and financial abilities to handle those responsibilities at different times in their lives. For me personally, I was 23 when I got married and I’ll be 26 when my first child is born early next year.

  4. I will be 25 when we get married next year, and plan on having kids between the ages of 30-32.

  5. 25 and have/adopt kids when your sure you can afford to have.

  6. There is no ideal time for marriage as calendar age and developmental age are two very different things. The former is not a clear depiction, the latter is, however. There are 18 year olds ready for what 40 year olds are not, and vice versa.

    I myself will be marrying my mister at 20, almost 21, and he'll a week from 24. I don't consider myself young, just blessed to have found him so early in life. We don't plan to adopt for 3-5 years after our marriage. We haven't completely discounted biological children, but after our work with troubled youth, we're drawn to adoption.

  7. I think it's different for everyone, depending on their situations.  Some people meet their true love in high school and have no problem marrying at 18 and having babies shortly thereafter.  Other people focus on their careers and maybe don't meet "Mr. Right" until they are in their thirties or even forties, so they would have kids a lot later in life.  To me, the "right" age to get married is whatever age you are when you're lucky enough to have met the one you want to be with, and you've been together long enough to know you want to be with them for life.  And I guess I'd say the "right" age to have kids IMO is maybe 2-3 years after you've been married to that special guy, so you can get used to married life before introducing kids into the mix.  For me, I'll be almost 30 on my wedding day next year, and I hope we can have our first child by the time I'm about 32 or so.

  8. I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 25 and if things go as planned (meaning he doesn't get deployed because he is enlisted in the Marines) we'll be married a little after I turn 21 (I would like to be able to legally have a glass of champagne at my own wedding!) but we won't have kids til I'm out of school (I'll be done my masters when I'm 24). A lot of people think that its a little young but when by the time I'm 24 he'll be 30 and we'll be ready for kids!

  9. it definately depends on your maturity level... i personally got married at 19 (well a week before i turned 20 to be exact)..but me now 21 children are not in my emmidiate future, i have many friends with children (most younger than i am) and none have regrets on having them so young but i think you should wait and be established (ie. good job, house, etc) i also think you should have time to really really get to know your husband before having children.

    so DO NOT RUSH yourself!!

  10. My "plan" to get married was at 25 (got married at 23) and start having kids at 27 (not there yet, thank God! I'm 24)

    I think you should start having kids sometime after 25 but before 30....

    That's just me, though....

  11. I think everyone has their own sort of... calender that they feel like they should follow. For most of my life I thought people got married at 19 and 20 because thats how old my parents were, so I've always based it on that. Now I know it isn't realistic for me since I'm nearing 20 but I've learned it happens for you when it happens. I mean, I think we all still have expectations for ourselves. I still want to be married by 23 and done having kids by 30. But we will see how it goes :)

  12. It all depends on the person, where their career is going, how long you have been with the person and when that time feels right to have a baby (or adopt one)

    There is not a time line. let your life evolve naturally and you will be happier in the long run.

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