
What is a good age to loose ur virginity???

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i am 14....and am really confused about the ''normal'' age to have s*x for the first time...they always tell you ''when ur ready'' but how do u know if ur ready????? ugh!




  1. There is no age.

    The people tell you when your ready because that's the truth!

    I'm 13..and yeah there are lots of times when I find myself thinking about s*x, or thinking about that one boy who I'd give it up to and everything would go perfectly, and blah blah..

    But it's mostly just your hormones talking.

    Look, if your ready, then GO AHEAD! There will never be an age for s*x. It's a personal decision. Just know that s*x is a very beautiful thing and people make it out to be disgusting.

    Make sure the boy your with is special to you, I've heard A LOT of girls cry & whine because they had s*x with their boyfriends and a week later their boyfriends broke up with them..that always sucks.

    If you do decide that now's the time, use protection. Please(:

    No one knows when your time is but you, and NEVER let a boy convince you of anything else.

    At our age, they're horny immature little trolls that run around town looking to get lucky, as they call it.

    =) Most importantly, make sure you won't regret it in the years to come.

  2. There isn't a good age to lose your virginity.  There are so many people that sleep around in high school, but that probably isn't the best idea.  It would be better to wait until you are able to handle having a baby.  There are so many teenage parents.  Not that teenage parents are bad parents or anything, but the teenagers have so much to accomplish before having kids and it makes things so much harder.  Wait until you are in a serious relationship with a guy for awhile before you have s*x.

  3. You won't know unless you meet that special someone that you think you can spend the rest of your life with. I would say atleast until your 18. Its not easy becoming a teenage mother. Trust me I know.

  4. when you are with the man you will marry or have already married.

  5. umm... lets see i lost mine when i was about your age and i wish i didn`t im about to get married to the man i love and i find myself wishing i had waited but if u absolutely feel like you want to do it make sure your responsible enough to deal with the consequences that come along with it because no type of birth control is 100% effective so if u can`t deal with a baby that requires alot of attention by yourself and no social life then DON`T DO IT .

  6. if your asking "how do you know when your ready" then your not ready. When you find a nice guy who loves you and isnt just dating you to get in your pants and you've been with him for a while and you feel comfortable then thats when your ready.

  7. i lost it at 14 just to get it over with. but it was stupid. it really doesnt matter when. its not as life altering a decision as people make it out to be. just dont overdo it or get pregnant. 16 would be a good average age. ii had friends at 12 having s*x regularly. just do what you feel is right. and believe me, it took me years to learn but from the age 12 on men think in their pants. they dont even have to like a girl to s***w them.

  8. You'll know when you ARE ready when you feel completely comfortable with yourself in terms of mentally and physically. Your mind might want it but your body might not. Make sure these two are in sync. The average age changes and varies. Some girls just choose to lose it. some end up regretting it. Hold out for the one person who won't just sleep and run off on you. When people say you'll know when your ready it's true. :)

  9. when you're married. i'm an every day 18yo male, i'm not the goody good type but i am sick of not being able to find a girl who wants to save themselves. i'm so thankful my girlfriend and i have not had s*x as long as we have been together. now thats true love

  10. ok so heres something i heard and think you should hear to. when you have s*x with a guy, or in your case kid, and you're not married to him then really your having s*x with some other girls husband. do you really want to take something and have something taken from you that only one person is ment to take? my advice is to wait until your married and know that this man is the one and only man that has had you, all of you. its special, dont waste it. good luck

  11. Oh this brings back memories, it is a part of life, no one can tell you we can only guide you, and share our thoughts with you.

    There is no normal age, it would be nice to wait until you (not what ur friends/boyfriend says) are ready, it might be today, it may be next week, or in 5 years, and there is nothing wrong in saying "NO", I'm not ready yet!!!

    Life is too short, and goes by very quickly, so make the most of it, cherish it, and don't be pushed into something you don't want to do. ok

    Be safe, keep your chin up kiddo.

    Min :-)

  12. Well 16 is the guideline.

  13. Why are you in such a hury to lose your virginity?If the guy goes out and des it, he is called a stud. If the girl does it, she is considered a s**t.If you wait until you are married, then the guy you marry will consider himself special because you saved yourself for marriage despite all the temptations.

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