
What is a good age to start baby on solids?

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My 3 1/2 month old is already showing signs that he is ready for more than just formula. What is a good age to start him on cereal? I have heard different things like do it at 4 months, I have also heard not to start him until after 6 months. I have his 4 month check up in a couple of weeks, I am just curious when everyone else started.




  1. I started my son on rice cereal, when he was 4 months.. but that only lasted about 3 days and then I moved right to veggies and fruits. I would make sure you read up on the correct "signs" and research all the info on starting children on solids. And make sure you are truly doing it because he is ready, and not because you are excited. Dont rush it LOL

    There are more benefits from waiting if the baby doesnt need it.

    My son started with bananas, applesauce, THEN sweet potatoes, peas, pears, green beans, peaches, squash.

    So the theory of them not liking veggies after fruits, was not the case with my son. In fact, he has never not enjoyed eating anything LOL he's a chubba :)

  2. Both of my kids started at 4 months. they say that anywhere between 4 and 6 months so no later then 6 months as they need the extra nutrients by then

  3. Cereal is a waste of time and doesn't offer any nutrition that isn't already found in breast milk (or formula.)

    Start the baby on fruits and veggies at 6 months of age.

  4. My pediatrician said cereal is an option. basically he said all it does is get them used to the texture of food. I had him on cereal two weeks then moved to bbay food. his pediatrician advised us at his 4 month check up that he was showing the signs of being ready.  Ask his pediatrician if he is ready =] My little guy will be 6 months ol don the 17th and is eating 1 1/2 jars of stage two baby food daily as well as 6 ounces of formula every 5 hours except during the night. hes growing great and everything. good luck!!!

  5. I never used cereal, my son hated it, he was on breast milk when he was supposed to start so his doctor said it was okay. at 4 months i was told it was okay to start him on VEGGIES, if you start him on fruits he may not eat veggies because the fruits are so sweet and the veggies arn't. But i didn't listen so he never ate his veggies haha. hope this helps  

  6. The safe age is 6 months (for doctors) but based on experience, 4 months old it's safe, I had to start with cereal for my younger child when he was almost 4 months and it helped him a lot with the hunger. But believe me, it won't do anything bad to the baby to start at 4, my oldest nephew had to start with baby food mixed with formula at 2 months coz he was very hungry all the time, doctors orders, and now he's 12 years old. Just don't put too much cereal, about 1 teaspoonful it's enough for your baby's age.  

  7. i started my daughter on solids when she was 4months old.  although when she was 3months old she was getting a little bit of cereal mixed in with her formula because she was drinking so much formal the doctor told me to mix a little cereal with it so she wouldnt drink so much.

    this site says to wait til 6moths, but i believe every kid is different.

    Signs that indicate baby is developmentally ready for solids include:

    Baby can sit up well without support.

    Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue.

    Baby is ready and willing to chew.

    Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development.

    Baby is eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in his mouth.

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