
What is a good age to start guitar lessons?

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What is a good age to start guitar lessons?




  1. anytime is good, you can't be too old, and you can't be too young. i'm a guitar teacher myself, and i think that younger kids have the same potential if you start them off with the knowlege of guitar then they have an understanding then give them notes to play.

  2. As early as possible! Maybe 8 or 9 years?

  3. as young as you can possibly can.  People that start eariler learn quicker.  But any age is perfect music does not have an age

  4. baby,

    it is a good age to start guitar lessons when you are just born! When you are just born, you can do anything you want

  5. A good age to start guitar lessons is about 10. When someone starts guitar lessons you want your fingers to be large enough to reach from one fret to the other, also you want the student to be old enough to pay attention, there's nothing worse than a kid that can't sit still

  6. any..

    u can start now if u want to :)

  7. as early as possible. dont wait becasue you might lose interest and that is just a waste.

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