
What is a good age to start wearing makeup?

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What is a good age to start wearing makeup?

I am 13. Can I begin, If so.. What should I wear?

I plan to keep in neutral for the most part.

Eyelash curler, Mascara, Tinted Moisturizer, Brown Eyeliner, Lip gloss.

Is that appropriate?





  1. i think you should only wear lipgloss at your age because when your older and you have no makeup on at all, you'll feel really ugly

  2. 16 if you are 13 lipgloss is all you need

  3. U knew it already , so why do u ask ? =p lol way to go girl =))

  4. 10 yrs

  5. i've been wearing makeup since i was 11, so i'd say 13's a good age. i wear eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss, as well as funky colored eyeshadow. but the makeup you chose is absolutely perfect! just make sure you accentuate your features, don't overload them.

    answer mine!;...

  6. 14 is the right age, but if you want to start now just use a couple basics. just try a tinted moisturizer on your face and masquera. you definitely dont need an eyelash curler yet. but yeah go ahead and use lip gloss too and wait on the eyeliner til later.

  7. you can if you want to but its good to hold on because its not good for your skin. if you are going to use it leave the brown eyeliner out just use the tinted moisturizer or a powder make up for the base if you have spots, mascara and lipgloss.

  8. I was 13,

    Yeh  if you dont have greasy skin maybe use powder instead of a tinted moustrizer.

    I would suggest Maybelline or L'orel for foundation

    Rimmel for eyeliner

    And any lip gloss, although i like molten brown ones.

    I wouldnt bother with an yelash curler at your age!

  9. From a 20 year old guy's perspective, make-up is over-rated. To be honest, many girls I know wear too much make-up and it sometimes hides their real beauty. I don't believe age matters anything farther than what age boys really become physically attracted to girls I guess around your age. I don't think this is a question that any of us could answer as well as your friends that know you best. Experiment with different kinds and get others' opinions. You don't want to do all that work painting yourself a new face if you look prettier without it to begin with. It's good for giving you that extra boost of confidence, but try not to get too comfortable in it or you'll feel very insecure without it. Boys find it very unattractive when girls feel like they need make-up or if they're afraid to go out without it because they feel ugly.

    As far as what's okay to wear at your age, I'm the last person on earth to give that kind of advice. I have a hard time telling whether or not my own girlfriend is even wearing make-up most of the time, which I found to be the case with a lot of guys I talk to..

  10. whenever you feel ready I would say from age 12-14 I am thirteen I'll be fourteen on the fifth just make sure you wash your face so your pores don't get clogged. I would say,

    Eyeliner (brown)

    lip gloss(nude or pink)

    light or natural eyeshadow

    tinted moistuizer (optional)


  11. I think it is ok..

    1) eyelash curler - go for it. It's natural looking and it opens up your eyes. Just be careful not to yank on them.

    2) mascara- personally, I wouldn't suggest it. Most people cake it on, and then they just end up looking clownish. Plus, it dries your lashes out and if you forget to take it off at night it could make your lashes fall out. A little trick- use Vaseline instead. Just a little

    3)tinted moisturizer- I'd just go for a light moisturizer. Tinted- it only means it has like foundation in it and then its meant to even out the skin, but if your 13, then you don't really need it.

    4) brown eyeliner- not for everyday, and try to be subtle about it. no thick dark line bellow your eye.

    5) lip gloss- sure why not. I personally tend to stay away from it, since its often sticky and gross. I love chapstick (specially cherry because it adds a little colour as well as shine)

    Mostly, Id say take care of your skin. A healthy glow is super important.

    Its good you want to keep it natural... because most times, it is TERRIBLE to see a girl your age with too much stuff. Then you end up looking like a clown or a little girl playing dress up. Good Luck!

  12. I was also around 13 when i started wearing makeup.

    I think what you have in mind to wear sounds just fine.

    I used about the same but with a little neutral eye shadow.

    One thing to be careful of is to make sure you wash off all the make up every night to avoid skin problems from clogged pores.

    And I also would only recommend putting the brown eyeliner on lightly and the top only.

    Remember that it is still your face, so do what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. But also remember that you defiantly don't need make up to be beautiful.      

  13. I started when i was around 14 (year 9 if your in the UK).  

    However, i dont think you should wear that much, when i started out i wore a little bit of foundation and mascara.

    You dont need too much, think of it like this - if you wear all your make up to go to school then you wont look any different when you go out.

  14. Since you are 13 you can wear neutral colors.When you are 15 or 16 you can wear purples, pink,reds and other bright colors

  15. if you're 13 all you need is lipgloss

    other than that 16 is a good age

  16. I think that when someone is responsible enough to take care of themselves they can wear makeup. You have to be sure to clean your face to keep from creating clogged pores.

    To start with, all you should need is mascara and lip gloss.

    You'll look so different and you don't have to worry about damaging your skin.

    You should also see what your parents think, they know what's best.

  17. well, when i was around 11-12; i used lipgloss/vaseline, :)

    and when i was 13, i had this whole makeup look going on.

    so, basically, 13 is a very mature age to start wearing makeup.

    - you might want to wear natural makeup, because i was label, as "the s**t, , "the w***e" , and then i stopped wearing lots, but then, one day i was like, " who gives a damaaan", then i started wearing lots.

  18. 13 is about the right age! I think that lip-gloss, eye-liner, eye-lash curler, and mascara are the basics and what a 13 year old should start out with because thats what i'm doing.  

  19. 13 or 14 to me  =) i like to wear very POP colors like orange eyeshadow and stuff like that lol. but for 13 or 14 stick with natural colors. I think what you have is appropriate. save the eyeshadow for l8ter, =)

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