
What is a good alternative cough medicine....?

by  |  earlier

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I have used vinegar and honey, hot lemon and honey, it does help some but when i lay down it starts up again, i am on an antibiotic as of this evening. I heard something about red pepper and something that would help. Anything, please!




  1. Firstly, Antibiotics only work on bacteria, both good and bad. The best remedy I have come across is by mixing 1/3 honey and 2/3 vodka. Mix the two amounts in a 750 ml bottle and pour about 30 ml into a small glass and sip, if the cough persists have one more only.  The amount you have made up in the bottle will last you about 12 months or more. This works very well, however I would not recommend it for children.

  2. What has worked for me when I was younger and for my sons now is "Scott's Emulsion" .  It's Cod Liver Oil. They sell them with flavors now so it does not taste so bad. My son had asthma also alot of colds and coughs and I gave him this and he has not had an attack or cold and cough in a year whereas he used to get them 2-3 times a year. Helps my coughs too.  I remember my mom who is Spanish giving me this when I was younger ( original flavor which was horrible but worked )  I rarely had coughs and when I did they didn't last long. Spanish people love using this product. It's sold mostly in the Spanish section of  many pharmacy's. People look at it and think it's some cheap product but it's really  good. Too bad some people go through life with bad coughs and asthma and do not know about Scott's Emulsion.  It might not work for everyone but it has for us.

    PS  Of course you should always read the back label before using any product.

  3. Hot Slippery Elm tea (coats the throat, instantly soothing) with lots of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice (antiseptic) and raw local honey (antibiotic).

  4. pl check these remedies

  5. I've had excellent results w/ Fisherman's Friend Cough Drops.  I've also had particularly excellent results w/ Boericke & Tafel's Nighttime Cough Syrup, as in I have several friends, mostly moms, for whom this has resolved a kid's cough, and quickly when NOTHING else would.  I think it's the one in the purple box, unless they've redesigned their packaging again...(I hate it when companies do that!).  Do not take them together however, as the Fisherman's are strong enough to antidote any homeopathic remedy.  I also like Ricola Herbal Cough Drops, and Ricola Orange and Echinaecea Cough Drops, I think it is, but have found that sweet cough drops can decidedly worsen some coughs, so buyer beware.  Pure, natural Black Licorice candies, such as Panda Brand tm are also highly effective against many coughs, as is licorice tea.  Stash makes a licorice tea that you can get in most US grocery stores.   Red licorice will NOT work, as it's not actually real licorice, and any real licorice eaten in excess can create coughs & diarrhea where there was none before, and can aggravate blood pressure issues, so do not overconsume this remedy.  "Step away from the box, ma'am..."

  6. Menthol or menthol cough drops or mint.

    But a good solution would be giving up and just chug down some Robitussin.  

  7. A cup of hot lemon with honey every two hours is an excellent choice! But you have to make sure that the honey is pure, raw and natural honey with no sugar added, or else the cough will just get worse. Also, avoid drinking cow's milk.

  8. You need to get at the problem.  What is causing the cough.  Sore throat or flem. For sore throat make a mixture of glycerin, honey, lemon juice & whiskey. (no whiskey for daytime).  For flem use Bamboo extract you can get it at  All of there stuff is 100% natural and organic.

  9. Echinaecea  and Goldenseal mix works best for me. I also like organix or riccola drops! I have also boiled some water, put it into a bowl with some organic oils. I put a towel over my head and breath in the steam. It helps to losen up throat if you have a deep cough.

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