
What is a good amount of cash to bring to Cancun for a 25 year old?

by  |  earlier

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Hey I know this is vague...but if it was just you and one other person with all inclusive much would you bring...i'm just making sure im on track. I'm not rich...and still have college so we both decided to bring $350...of course some will be ones and fives...and a little mix of pesos.




  1. Are you asking because you are a 25 year old? Or are you planniing to try and buy a 25 year old  down there?

  2. There is no need to bring a large amount of cash that you will only be worried about.

    There are "A.T.M.S" all over and you need to bring a debit card and a credit card.

    Do not exchange your dollars or pounds or whatever currency from wherever you are coming from.

    If you are coming from south Africa then you should check with your bank beforehand.

    Mexico is the best place to exchange your money.

    Travelers checks

  3. If everything is included, I'd say that was a good amount for about a week. I'd probably bring about 500 just to be on the safe side though. In case you want to do some souvenir shopping or whatever else may come up. You don't have to spend it all.

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