
What is a good amount of time to wait.....?

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I just got married a few weeks ago and we are not planning on having children just yet, but we both know that we really want to. I was just wondering what your opinion is on how long into our marriage we should wait before trying. I don't want it to strain our marriage by trying too soon. I am just looking for opinions.




  1. Same with the other two that we can't answer that for you. I can tell you that we waited to TTC until we were married 9 months but only because we had things going on that we didn't want to be pregnant during. But here we are 10 cycles later and still not pregnant. I don't think it has put a strain on our marriage but it is heart breaking each month not being pregnant. But, I am so in love with my husband that I am still ok with it just being the two of us right now.  

  2. I read a study of divorce rates and it said if you and your spouse wait 7 months before trying to have kids you will be less likely to divorce.  I am not sure how they determined that but, hey, I say what the heck!  You need to fully get to know your spouse before you bring kids into the mix.

  3. I don't think anyone can answer that for you only you know what is right for you as what is right for the people next door will not be right for you 2 good luck  

  4. That really depends on the person, but I would recommend waiting a year before you start trying. I know it's cliche but the first year is the hardest and plus it gives you time to adjust and enjoy being married, just the 2 of you.

  5. Depending on your age... the younger the beter it may be to wait at least 2 - 5 yrs. to make sure you have at least a home or  your finances are in order... If your older 30 and above you may want to try within  a year.....

    Children are a lot of work so really think about your options first.

    take time out to enjoy yourselves travel, do plenty of things together, and if the baby comes sooner try NOT to stop the things you were doing together.You will just have to reschedule  your time around the baby....But that just my opinion.....Good Luck!

  6. I think there is really no right or wrong answer to this question. It is purely up to you and your life. If you have the means (income, stable house, love) to have a child, then whatever time is right is right. Don't let others pressure you into anything! I have been married for nearly three years and we have just started to TTC. Personally I wanted to enjoy my husband as a husband before I enjoyed him as a father (to our child of course)

    Anyway, whatever you decide, congrats on your marriage and when then time comes I hope you get pregnant right away!

  7. I think that is totally up to you and your husband. My hubby and I got pregnant 3 months into our marriage. We had been together for 5 years and we were just ready to get our family started. I am sure that is way to soon for most people. Good luck!

  8. That is totally up to you and your husband. You will both know when you're ready! I wouldn't think it would strain your marriage, if anything I would think it would make you closer. I have been married almost a year and a half now. My husband and I started "trying" last month. We waited until we were both ready. I think that's the important part! Good luck to you and congrats on getting married!

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