
What is a good approach for me to fight a much larger guy??

by  |  earlier

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im 17 and 4 ft 12 how would i approach fightin a kid whos about 5ft 6 ? like i can reach his face but what would a pro way to take this guy be?




  1. Okay without getting into details.

    I personally was taught to fight to my height,which basically means if a person is extremely taller than you,then you strike where you can reach ie: the body or lower :)***

  2. Fight dirty and don't be afraid to throw dirty in his eyes.  You can also try dodging like a rabbit until he wears out.

    Running is probably the best advice you've gotten, though.

  3. 1.kick the sides of his legs and punch his chest.



    2. kick him in the balls!

  4. Fight as dirty as possible and run when you get the first chance. If the guy is a lot larger than you then do your best to just run and avoid the fight.

    If you have to fight him then nothing is off limits. Stomp the side of his knee as hard as you can, poke and stirke his eyes, punt him in the balls or punch/hay maker him in the throat. Just remember to run the moment hes stuned or caught off gard. The last thing you want is have a large guy get a hold of you after you tried to kick him in the balls. :D

  5. My advice is not to fight him straight up.  Just jump him. Hit him when he isn't looking, and hit him a lot. Is he the school bully? Beat him badly in front of a lot of people and odds are he won't mess with you again.

  6. Pro's have rules to follow you don't.

    Get a good jab in on his throat and either kick his shins stomp on the bridge of his foot.  That's about all you'll get in before you two start rolling on the ground (where most fights end up).  At that point try to work in an armbar or something, or your screwed.

    Expect him to get you in a choke hold because thats so easy for a tall guy (like me).   So react to it by biting some of his arm off.   Seriously,, bite like you mean it,, not just to nibble.  If you can't do that, try and drop down for an elbow to the groin.

    You can't really plan a fight, there is no telling what will happen.  But factor in for a few devasting cheap shots, and work in retreating kicks followed up with good backhanded fists to the head area, so you don't get all tripped up on yourself.   Good luck, and I hope you don't get sued\expelled!

  7. Several things you can do. If this is a real down and dirty fight for your life type situation. 1: Go for the eyes, 2: hook the throat, 3: a Very hard hit to the solar plexus, 4: get a very tight hand full s*****m and show him what it looks like up close, 5: Take either knee out by hitting very hard from the side, 6: using your knuckles hit very hard on side of temple. If none of this works pray and hope your ins. and will is up to date.

  8. First try not to fight and talk it out and if that doesn't work try using jujitsu techniques or judo because they mainly use your opponent's weight against themselves.

  9. Is this a ring fight or a street fight?  If this is a street fight and you are asking this question then you have no real reason to fight.  The only time you should fight in the street is if it is spontaneous and out of the blue and you have to defend yourself.

    If this is in the ring then get in close.  We would also need to know what style of fighting this is.  All ring fights have rules and those rules will dictate would you can and can not do.

  10. Fight dirty!!!!!

  11. Try the 3 N's...

    Nose- Punch there hard and anybody will flinch..

    Neck- Punch there, that **** just plain hurts..

    NUTZ-  kick or punch and obviously he will go down..

  12. if i were you i would keep my hands up to protect my face at all times stand super sideways wait till i block his punch then slam my kick in his leg right away and do it a few times then after he starts thinking everytime he punches go in with straight punches i dont care where you hit, he starts blocking then kick him in the legs with combos until he drop

  13. Well there alot of ways... I'm not gonna list em all, if u want em all, go to, try checking if there is a location near you(there are over 50 locatiions), and if there is speak to one of the instructors.

    Street Fighting-

    Kick the guy in the balls, he'll bend down, (as a reaction), and punch his face. thats enough to finish him

    MMA, or Kickboxing, or Boxing-

    Make sure you do this quick: when he throws a pucnch try slippping it , then moving to the side, and punch him from the side before he notices


    wait for him to go for a take down , and when he does scroll back with ur feet, and (if his head is low enough), grab his head into a choke.

    Street Fighting-

    Kick the guy in the balls, he'll bend down, (as a reaction), and punch his face. thats enough to finish him

    Hope this Helps(It helped me, i mean i am a Black Belt!), Good Luck, and i really recomend going onto TSK.Com!Remember that i dindt list everything here is way to much

  14. Height has no advantage on the ground, so first opportunity you have, take him down.

  15. Run...... the very first martial arts rule that I learned in Taekwondo, Karate, and Wushu is Run. You don't get hurt, he doesn't have a chance to win.

    However, if you really want to fight him, use your physical attributes. Stick close to him, use your speed, and strike his pressure points (rib cage, solar plexus, the side of his knees, groin, etc.)

    But remember, the best way for him not to win is for you not fight him.

  16. i would try something along the lines of judo or jit-jutsu where you force your opponent towards the ground in order to disable them.  other than that, try avoiding conflicts whenever possible

  17. You're... 4'12"? Geez... That's almost 5'.

    A "pro" way would be to let him take himself down. But "pros" can do this because they train and because they're not afraid of getting hurt.

    At 17, you're too old to be fighting like a 6th grader. Use your wits first, fists last. The only thing "winning" a fight accomplishes is encouraging retaliation in the defeated. Instead, take the easy way. If the fight comes, simply do not be there. Take this as you will from the moment you wake up to the moment the last punch is thrown, and consider how you could not be there.

    Then, from there, you can hurt him or walk away. Fighting will be natural as retreat if you've had no training in either.

  18. RUN!!!!!!

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