
What is a good audition song?

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I am auditioning for Peter Pan the musical soon and i need a song that is good to audition with. Something that is from Broadway and some that are from disney. So yeah PLEASE HELP!!




  1. First you need to give the following information:

    Your gender

    Your vocal range (soprano, mezzo, alto, tenor, baritone, etc.)

    What role you are auditioning for

    No one can give you any good suggestions without knowing those things.  Also, did the audition notice specify to sing from the show or not to?  Did it say how many bars you were allowed to sing?  Did it ask for upbeat or ballad?

    You should take all of those things into consideration.  Find a song within your range and the range of the role you are auditioning for.  It should show the same character traits as the role you are auditioning for and hopefully be in the same style as Peter Pan.  

    The best source for you would be your voice teacher.  They would also be able to help you choose the best section of a song to sing and also to mark your music properly for the accompanist.

    good luck,


  2. Depends, I got the part in Grease( I got the part of Sandy :D ). and sang the song A whole new world  from alladen lol. Cheezy i know. Im a sop. You need to find a song that fits your voice. evveryone has a "Power range" thats the range in which you just power threw. Find a song sing it threw more than once. If you find a song that you really like PRACTICE!!!! just find one that suits your voice not just one that you like.

  3. All these suggestions are fine and dandy, but keep in mind that almost all of these suggestions (ESPECIALLY "Wicked") are very very very overdone.

    Here's an overdone audition song site:

    Hope this helps!

  4. I agree, something that fits your voice.

    Like, don't try to do a massively powerful song if your voice isn't that strong. But if your voice is strong, pick something that can show them what you're working with.

  5. Hmmmmmm... I would suggest something that comes from the same type of show, but not the actual show, maybe something from Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella or some thing from Beauty and the Beast.

  6. Maybe - Annie

    Dumb Dog - Annie

    Never Fully Dresses Without a Smile - Annie

    I'm Not That Girl - Wicked

    Popular - Wicked

    The Girl I Mean To Be - The Secret Garden

    Where Is Love - Oliver

    Who Will Buy - Oliver

    That's How You Know - Enchanted (Demi Lovato also remade this song)

    I'll Never Grow Up - Peter Pan

    Let's Hear it for the Boy - Footloose

    Sandradee - Grease

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