
What is a good beginner HAM radio set?

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I have been considering buying a HAM radio for some time now but I'll be honest I'm a bit confused by it all and was wondering what I should start with. I don't want something that is completely for beginners that I will have to replace in 6 months because I want something more powerful or with more options. Something that has good power and range, inexpensive, and easy to use.




  1. i don't know the specifics, but i worked at a radio shack for a quick minute. talk to someone there. you can even call them. the managers are usually very knowledgeable about those things. and if they don't know they can definitely point you in the right direction. sorry i don't know more.

  2. 2 meters is a good place to get your feet wet.  You can get a simple handheld radio now for under $150 and have a lot of fun with it:

    I have one of these and it is a wonderful, rugged little radio.

    There are some great HF radios out there now too for not too much money.

  3. you need to find and join a local ham radio hobby club. they can be helpful by letting you get a little operating experience before you decide to buy anything. Also clubs can help you find good used gear, especially from members that have up-graded their own station.  clubs also organize licensing test sessions.

  4. I agreee the Icom 718 is the best HF rig for it's

    price. You will need a power supply and antenna

    of course and probably will want a nice speaker

    and desk mike and key. That's a cool $1000 at


    For a little less expensive rig, look for a used

    Icom 707. They are about $200 and have good

    performance. You will need the accessories I

    mentioned plus an SWR bridge - it's not built

    into the 707 like it is with the 718. But you can

    still get going for under $500 that way.



  5. HF - you cannot go wrong with an ICOM IC718

    VHF - do not waste your time and money on a hand held toy radio. Buy a good solid higher power mobile radio, IC2800 maybe.

    Everything is dependent on ANTENNAS.

    Join a local club, they will help you. To find a local club, ask the ARRL - go to, find your state, then your state section manager, email him/her.

  6. There are so many sets on the market that it would be a good idea for you to go to   and check out their website.  Congratulations on getting your ticket and good luck in your search.  73's

    Others to consider:

  7. ???????????????

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