
What is a good bmi for a 15 yr old guy? and how much should i weigh?? i'm 15 and i weigh 180? ?

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my height is 5'10




  1. well your bmi right now is 25.8 you should be around 18.5-24.9  

  2. Recommendeed weight range for your height is 139 to 167 pounds.

    The good news is, at your age, you can lose weight easily, and build muscle quickly.

    Diet guidelines:

    1] avoid all fried, fast, and junk foods - even diet junk foods

    2] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day

    3] take a good quality vitamin with minerals every day

    4] minimum sevings per day:

    3 lean proteins

    3 whole grain bread, cereal, rice, and pasta

    3 low fat dairy

    3 veggies

    2 fruits


    5] aerobics for 30 to 45 minutes a day, six days a week to lose weight, and three days a week to maintain

    6] lift weights three days a week, alternating with

    7] 3 sets each of 10 reps of pushups, pullups, situps, obliques, and crunches

    You will look fabulous in less than a month!

  3. Body Mass Index assumes a lot.  If you are athletic for example, it will err on the side of obesity.  

    Normally 180pounds is overweight for a 15yo.  But if that weight is muscle, then you are probably more healthy than people who register normal on the BMI test.

    Of course we are assuming you are a normal height boy.  If you are over 6foot then 180pound is normal BMI.

    My BMI says I'm fat... 72inch and 194pound = 26.3BMI

    ADDED: So u are 70inch and 180pound = says you are overweight some.

  4. whats your height?

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