
What is a good business college that a student will get accepted, who has a 3.0 GPA and a 22 act

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What is a good business college that a student will get accepted, who has a 3.0 GPA and a 22 act




  1. It's hard to give you any input unless you give some more information. What state are you in? What are your extra-curriculars? Did you take any honors or AP courses? Where are you ranked amongst the other students in your class?

    I respectfully disagree with the below poster who recommended Indiana. If you look at their admissions stats, your GPA and ACT scores are lower than the median. Only 8% of applicants with a GPA like yours were admitted.

    And getting into Kelley (their business school) is even harder than getting into the college in general.

    There is a school for everyone. You may not be able to get into a top business program, reputation wise, but there are many places where you can get a great education. A public college in your state may be your best option. Again, if you give us more facts (especially what state you're in), we can give you more answers.

  2. Try Indiana, it's the top business program where someone with these grades/scores has a chance.

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