
What is a good business to own?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking at franchising a business, but I am willing to start up a new business. I want to know what is a good business is to run. I am willing to put in the time to research the idea, but I need to know what kind of store to run.




  1. it has to come from within you; no one

    else can tell you and help you.

    also, while searching YOU,

    remember, Find an unmet-or

    undermet need and fill it

    or--teach others that what you wanna

    do is sooo special.........

    am available to help, free for a limited

    period of time

  2. I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within 15 minutes. I average around 2000 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

  3. The pet care business is huge right now.  People are willing to pay money for pet therapeutic massage, organic dog and cat treats, pet clothing, pet groomers, doggie daycare, and the list goes on.  If you can think of it and it has to do with pets, people are into it.  So there you go.

  4. hut..... dominos

  5. Today internet become very big market for everyone.

    Internet has millions and millions oppertinites to make money online.

    but most are scam. they dont pay you. in internet 90% money making

    oppertinites are scams.

    I have done hard work to find a genuine way to make money online,

    at the end i can say that " yes internet has a genuine way to make

    money online".

    Lets talk about what is the genuine way?

    go to this website:-

  6. I have a friend who owns 20 Subways. He loves it because of the small start up cost and the healthy food

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