
What is a good cage/tank for a gerbil?? 10 points?? xxxxxx?

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What is a good cage or tank for a gerbil??


Thanks x*x





    this is good for one gerbil, but since you need two, and only two, i would go with this:

    Hope i helped!

  2. For one gerbil none as gerbils have to be keep in same-s*x groups

    for 2 or 3 gerbils a 20 US gallon fish tank long not high to mess lit!

    something like that our of sun light like beside a window

  3. Gerbils are social. Please keep that in mind. They should be kept in same s*x pairs. Both males and females do well in pairs. I have two females and they adore each other.

    For a pair of gerbils, I'd recommend a 20 gallon tank with a mesh lid. Bedding will be kept in the tank and not on the floor. There are no bars for the gerbils to chew on. If the lid has clips on, the tank is pretty much escape proof.

    Hamster cages really aren't ideal. Gerbils love digging. You can't put a lot of bedding in a cage. Any bedding you do put in the cage will end up all over the floor. You'll find yourself vacuuming every day to keep it clean. Gerbils also must chew. If there are wire bars, they may choose to chew on those. It's really annoying and can cause hair loss on their nose. Plastic will also be chewed up. If ingested, it could cause a blockage, so no plastic! Most hamster cages are painfully small. Gerbils are active and need room to run and play.

    A 10 gallon tank is alright for a pair of gerbils IF you have a tank topper. There are three tank toppers I recommend because they don't have plastic. The other ones I've seen have plastic tubes or ladders.

    ^^This is also available at PetCo.

    ^^The e-bay store to the company in the second link.

    I have a tank topper from the company in the second link, and I like it. They have fairly quick delivery, great service, and are wonderful to work with. The wire spacing is a bit big, so I just use a grass mat and a piece of cardboard to give my gerbils a solid place to sit when they're up there.

    EDIT: Sorry. You did not specify earlier where you lived, so I assumed you lived in the states. The company I got my topper from ships to the UK, I think. You may have to contact them to check it out. Pets At Home has a great set-up for gerbils. It's called a gerbilarium. Here it is:

    Also, there are perfecto tanks. They're tanks with shelves in them, and they're available in the UK. I love those, and they're wonderful. Many UK gerbil owners that are part of a gerbil forum I visit have perfecto tanks. I wish they were available in the states.

  4. I don't have any links but it's probably best to get a cage with small spaces cause tanks are more difficult to clean out and it means that your gerbil won't get too hot in the summer although you'll have to make sure it's ok in the winter

  5. well if you go to they will probably tell you  

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