
What is a good caged animal to get for an 8 yr old girl?

by Guest65021  |  earlier

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What is a good caged animal to get for an 8 yr old girl?




  1. not a guinea pig.

    they are cute, but they stink, they squeal, and they are nervous little things.

    i would lean more toward a hamster or gerbil. they are cute and friendly and also not that hard to take care of. plus they are fairly quiet.  

  2. depends on what her personality is and what kinds of animals she likes.  also how responsible she is.  hamsters, mice, and rats if you can stand the smell...they need to be cleaned out a lot though.  then there are snakes which don't smell bad and they don't have to be fed very often.  they also don't have to be cleaned out that often  (spot cleaning when they poo and then total clean out every 3 or 4 months).  snakes do need attention though to stay "tame".  then there are fish which are nice to watch.

    good luck!

  3. lol, smarty pants is right about rabbits ^_^ i have one that lives in my sideyard and is perfectly happy, h**l come over for a few minutes attention but then leaves again lol ^_^

    i would say a gerbil, hamster, or a mouse, maybe a guinea pig

    lol good luck!

    oh wait, edit! and dont get chinchillas or sugergliders or anything like that!!!!! they are really expensive, they make noise all night and they get depressed and sometimes die if they dont get at least four hours of attention a day!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Probably a rabbit, a hamster, a mouse or a ginnie pig.

    OR a fish, but they don't live in cages... lol

  5. rabbit or hamster.

  6. hamster, rat, or gerbil

    NOT A BUNNY!!!!

    they are often mistken for cute and cuddley pets that can be kept in cages like a hamster. They are not rodents and they don't like to be held and they require as much work as a cat or dog adn they must be fixed. Not to mention they can deliver a mean scratch with those powerful back legs

  7. rabbit



    guinea pig



    hermit crab

    all these are choices.but i would suggest hamsters. because they are friendly and highly sociable. some of the other ones require more care because they are bigger and cn smell pretty bad if their cages arent cleaned other choices after hamster are turtle and hermit crab. they are small and easy to take care of!


  8. Not a rabbit.  Kids always want to pick animals up and rabbits generally don't like being picked up.  Rabbits are good pets but kids don't often have the patience for them or the commitment to cleaning our the cage often enough (it takes more effort than a small rodent due to the cage size and amount of p**p!).  Unless you think your 8 yo is very understanding and responsible for her age I would choose a different animal, otherwise you will end up having to do feeding and cleaning yourself and the bunny will be skittish.

  9. rabbit. a holland lop

  10. I am inclined to recomend a rabbit.  But not just any rabbit.  The mini rex rabbit, is a small rabbit and can be quite friendly and accepting of a lot of handling.  It's what I got for my 8 year old and now shes 18 and is a rabbit judge.

  11. The best would be a hamster but if she's scared of it get her a little bunny! I hope she has fun!


  12. A syrian hamster! They have to be kept solitary, they are larger than the dward variety, once tamed they don't "turn wild" again. Or maybe a rabbit, actually yeah I recommend a rabbit because it will be easier for her to handle! But be prepared to take on the role of "giver of affection" to the rabbit if your child should loose interest, so get something which your comfortable with! Hope I've helped! Good luck! :-)

  13. Many young girls get pets like hamsters. However, in the source I've provided, they advise against them for small children. You could try getting a rat; they come in different sizes, and are very social and intelligent. Contrary to popular belief, they are actually clean animals if you get them from pet shops. Try looking into hooded rats; you'll see they're different from the pest kind you find around garbage and such. They are also easy to care for. The source I provided also recommends guinea pigs.

    I advise against anything that makes a big mess or needs a lot to clean up, such as anything with a tank (those can be hard work to clean out and you'll find you'll do most of the work). I had birds when I was around 9, but it was hard for me to care for on my own and my parents did a lot of vacuuming (plus we found bird feathers long after it had died). One of them also bit.

    You'll have to train your girl how to handle the pet and teach her not to drop it, as well as encourage her to regularly check on its food and water. However, expect to do a lot of work, unless your 8 year old is responsible, because children often are not the best caretakers. ;)

  14. bunny!!!!! or a hamster or a ginea pig

  15. Hamster.

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