
What is a good cal state college to start off in as before going to a pharmacy school?

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  1. There are so many Cal~State Schools....I guess it depends on where you want to be..... By the beach, close to the city or inland...They are all great schools

  2. Whichever school you go to, it should be one where there are not too many distractions. If you want to get into pharm school these days you need a very high GPA and A's in chem, organic chem and bio. You especially need to score VERY high on the PCAT test. The only way to do that is by actually learning the basic science that is tested. Unless you are a certified genius you can't fake your way through this test, you have to actually know what you are talking about.

    Which school will give you the best chance to focus on your studies and come away with a really solid knowledge of chemistry?

    To remind yourself how it works, check the website of the AACP - that is the national organization that officially coordinates all the info about accredited Colleges of Pharmacy in the USA. They have links to every pharm school so you can check the exact details about how each school works.

    Good luck. If you work hard in a few years you will be starting a new job as a PharmD at $100K per year.  

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