
What is a good camera that i could get??

by  |  earlier

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I am a casual picture taker but i would like a good camera.

I have two picked out right now.

This one:

And this one:

If you know of any others then please leave a comment about it.




  1. of those two, the nikon, it has more megapixels, so better quality pictures :)

    i have the casio exilim 10 mp:

    and i absolutely LOVE it.

  2. definatley the coolpix. I have it and It's great.

  3. The Fuji has the best feature - I like the TTL feature which when you look at the eyeview, you are actually seeing exactly what the lens sees. the 2 mp differences won't really matter compared to each other (but compared with a DSLR, it would make a differences). I would suggest Olympus 850 SW for the sturdiness from dropping, moisture, extreme cold and heat... otherwise, get an accidental insurance if you haven't developed the habit of a professional photographer handling equipments with care.

  4. The all time winner bargain compact digital camera is the Canon 7.1 megapixel PowerShot SD1000 [not the IS] 7.1  with an added  2- gig memory card which when set in the manual mode for "Vivid" colors and videos at 30 fps in 320 dpi format provides killer images and videos.  It currently sells for $160 at Sears:

    Good luck!

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