
What is a good cheap heater for a 5 gallon tank? That is PLASTIC!

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I am getting a betta. And I know they NEED heaters. But what is a good price. Under $15. Help. PLEASE! I plan on getting him Tuesday. So. And what is a good temp. for him and an African Dwarf Frog??




  1. 26 degrees ceclius is comfy for both (maybe a little colder for froggie), as for the heater plastic will melt....depending on what size you should be able to get one for UNDER 15 dollars easy. I got one for a 60 litre tank and it only cost me 15 dollars from Big W, so im sure youll find one. If not theres always ebay!! Best of luck Angel

    Edit : perfect! see i told you ebays good lol. Now you just gotta bit and get it at a good price. And for the poster below im sorry if i aint up to date but here is Oz they only teach metric. I have got litres to gallons down pat but temp is somewhat less important and i havent quite got it yet lol. = ) Good luck mate!

  2. um, betta's don't need heaters, i have no idea where you got that info from

  3. There is a real nice one by TETRA, i got it at Meijer. I forget what its called but its really nice. and since we are in America i'll use farenheit for my answer. a good temp would be 76 to 80 degrees farenheit for the betta and african dwarf frog.

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