
What is a good comeback??

by Guest65283  |  earlier

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What is a really good comeback that i could do to a guy that poured pancake batter on me(long story y he did). Any suggestions. List as many as u can.




  1. Ooh how fun.. ok:

    You could put white glue on his chair so when he sits down it looks like he got *** on his pants.

    You could put a water balloon full of mud in his locker so when he opens it, it falls all over his shoes.

    You could put a bucket of pancake batter in his trunk at a tilt, so that when he hits the breaks it will spill all over. And tape a sign to the top of the trunk on the inside and only write "Pay Back"

    You could put worms in some cookies and leave it on his desk or where ever, and say they were from someone else. But at the bottom of the cookies have a note that says, "Pay Back" With a pancake underneath.

    ha,ha you could do so much! Hope your revenge is colorful and satisfying!


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