
What is a good comeback to ur face.. everybody says it and its so annoying

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What is a good comeback to ur face.. everybody says it and its so annoying




  1. "That insult's so old, come up with something new you uncreative, worthless, slack-jawed *insert favourite swear word here*, before I stab you to death with this rusty knife," and pull out a knife and they'll shut up real quick.

  2. I usually hate your mom jokes, but when people tell me that. I usully say, hahaha(going along with it) ur mom's fat as$(being a bitc h)

    I love it cuz they're always like . . . . . . . .just staring at you with this face like...."sorry"

  3. I always say "your dad in a speedo" and their faces cringe up.  

  4. if the insult is just "ur face" then say " is dazzling? thank you!" it'll work like a charm :)

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