
What is a good conversation or what is a bad one?

by Guest58248  |  earlier

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what is a conversation? what dose it involve saying?




  1. It really depends, I have deep conversations at school, those are not appreciated in the real world.

    Small talk. Ask about what another likes concerning music, art, travel, to get a feel, for the other person.

    My best party conversation was with an older lady. She said, "What do make of this shindig?"

    After I sized her up, I asked if it would be rude to get out of my "monkey suit". She laughed, hugged me and we chatted for a while.

    She was a grand Dame with gorgeous pearls and the money didn't matter. She asked about my dress. I told her my grandmother made it. She said my grandmother was quite the seamstress and she loved my dress. She asked me what I did for fun. I told her I attended ballets, operas and skipped school to read books in the TCU library. I asked her what she did for fun. She said she loved horses. We chatted for a long time.

    Little did I know that I was chatting with Miss Ann Tandy. I was invited to EVERYTHING, after that chat. I hated being called away. I was asking her questions about her childhood. I was bummed when she left. I asked her why everyone acted like she was a queen. She told me it was because she was really old. I told her she didn't look very old to me. I was honest, didn't know who she was, and we had a great chat.

    The hostess was angry with me, later. If I'd known who I was chatting with, I would have asked more questions.

    Bad chat? When you ask 10 questions and get monosyllabic answers, to 5, it's time to try someone else. You know a bad conversation in 2 minutes. No response, no spark, just leave.  

  2. A good conversation is one where all parties do more listening than talking. More often than not, people just want to make their point or listen to themselves, rather than have a meaningful conversation with someone. A bad conversation is one where only one person is talking, someone gives one word answers, or when people can't agree to disagree.

  3. My most interesting conversation I ever had was with a pretty intelligent friend I knew back in college.  We had this debate about Truth.  

    My argument was there was no such thing as 100% truth, that any truth can be debated, even things like 2+2=4, and even being awake....just something to throw out there, and we had this big long discussion on msn messenger going back and forth about how truth can be 100% and all these different scenarios and examples....

    I think it got started because we were talking about being a left brain/right brain person, and she said there was no such thing because she did some studies in her class about some neurological brain activity stuff.

    But I considered that a pretty good conversation, it was pretty back and forth and it kept us engaged for a looong time...

    A bad conversation would be the ones i had in high school where I TRIED to start up something interesting but all i got were those horrible one word answers and awkward moments of silence:

    "hey how are you ?"


    "so what'd you do today?"


    "Nothing new at school? Nothing interesting?"


    "What were your classes about?"


    "So what's your idea of a great day, in detail."

    "I don't know."

    Pretty much by that time i was ready to hang up the phone and go play outside.

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