
What is a good counter response when our opponent says that we are discriminated agianst g**s?

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i'm on the con side of the debate about g*y marriages.




  1. Well, you can attack them by saying that homosexuality is immoral and our country can't just give in to every immoral thing and eventually turn it into anarchy.

  2. Why not ask them to look in the mirror on the wall?

    For hitting them on the head?

    With the Book of the Dead?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Ask them why they kick the butts of their own children with self lack of knowledge themselves.

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God with the Book of the Living?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. Here's what you do: Pull your pants down, squat, and take a p**p on the floor. They wont know what hit em.......

  4. I don't know, maybe say that if the government gives in to g*y marriage then they'll face lawsuits of age discrimination and would have to let 12 year olds marry 58 year olds and then lead into species discrimination if a man wants to marry his pet chihuahua if one constitutional law is changed from one man, one woman to something not as clear, then it will leave room for way way unacceptable things not even relating to homosexual marriage. Like opening a can of worms....

  5. You might think about your position again and why you hold on to it.  Did it ever occur to you that g*y men and women are tax paying citizens of this country?  Does it seem fair to you that they should be denied the full rights of citizens, including the right to marry the person of their choice?  Many people say that g*y marriage is a threat to traditional marriage; yet those same people have never once been able to state just what kind of a threat this might be.  It seems to me that men and women will continue to marry each other whether or not g*y people marry.  In places where g*y marriage is permitted and protected by law there has not been one case of a heterosexual marriage having been ruined.  If you want to approach it all from a biblical point of view then consider that while there are mentions of homosexual s*x as being an abomination, there are also tidbits such as stoning adulterous women, smiting the neighbor who works on the Sabbath, eating shellfish is an abomination, wearing clothing of intermingled fabrics is also forbidden.  There are other things as well, should you care to check for yourself.  I note that we are not stoning adulteresses, that we happily shop on Sundays, that many of us enjoy a lobster dinner and that we do indeed wear clothing made of different fabrics.  What do you think about these things.  Also, there's the deal that Christians worship Jesus and him alone, not some book and certainly not St. Paul.

  6. tell him that you really like his eyeliner. that'll show him

  7. There isn't one.... not a modern relevant argument, anyway.

    But being that I try not to judge or condemn and understand about debates:

    Pretty much all you can do is quote Biblical text because anything else just does not stand up intellectually in a debate against g*y marriage.

    If the only argument you have is that same s*x couples cannot bear children - which is usually the opposition's main argument - then how can you condone marriage between sterile heterosexuals or women past menopause?

    [Such as the argument that g*y parents raise g*y children --- does that mean that straight parents only raise straight children? (See what I mean? There are no relevant arguments.)]

    So I would stick with the Bible: Genesis 19:5 (the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah), Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, I Corinthians 6:8-10 and Romans 1:24-27 and maybe also what you can take from James Dobson's "Marriage Under Fire".

    That's all I've got. Hope it helps you.

  8. Even if you don't enter this from a political perspective, discriminate means to choose, or examine difference and act accordingly.

    So there is absolutely no way to say that having a law that excludes one sexuality is not discriminatory - it's a moot point.

    You'd be in a far better position debating wise to accept that it's discriminatory, and argue why we need to discriminate within society.

    I hope you lose though !

  9. A good response to being against g**s? Isn't being against them enough?

    I don't understand why anyone cares about the personal lives of others. If they want to get married, why should anyone stop them? Who are they hurting? If it doesn't effect you, why does it matter?

  10. There really is no counter response.  By saying you are against g*y marriage, you are discriminating against g*y people.

    DISCRIMINATE:  1. to constitute a difference between; differentiate. 2. to recognize the difference between; distinguish.

    So, you need to be asking yourself, whether or not its okay to discriminate against people sometimes.  Then you can respond a little better next time the subject is broached.

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