
What is a good country to move to?

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If McCain manages to steal this election, I want to be out before he starts rounding up liberals. What is a country without terribly stringent experience/education/bank account requirements where I don't have to learn a foreign language first (I'd be more than willing to learn one once I get there). I'm very tired of living in the USA.




  1. Any one that would have you.

  2. Every election the Dems promise to leave if they lose. The problem is they never make good on the promise.

  3. You sound like you would love Canada. Au revior!

  4. Learn Espanol! I am very fond of my native country. I was born there and I am very proud to be from the United States. If you are just plain tired of all the freedoms you enjoy then maybe you should go to some countries that do not enjoy the same.

    I am a missionary in Central America. It is sometimes very dangerous here so i think you should stop first and think about what you say! You should always support your country with all your heart and soul!

    Come to any country in Central America. You will always find someone that speaks your native tongue!

  5. Its not time to go yet, the country is just about to get great again. We are going to get this century's JFK. You waited this long, give it a little longer and see what Obama can do for all of us.  McCain doesnt stand a chance. He's not only old, he walks slow and talks slow. Can you see him trying to give a 'State of the Union' speech? We would all fall asleep. There are not enough Americans who will vote for the old codger. Hang in there!

  6. well dont come to australia the arabs r trying to take us over

    Im a migrant myself but I am about to sue the australian government for false advertising I was taught and shown that australia is a western country with western values and based on this i migrated here I am indian by race but born outside of india

    anyway now we r being taking over by arabs everything must be halal pork is banned in certain schools we r not allowed to put up christmas trees or sing carols as it offends the arabs there r already 2 mosqs in  my suburb and soon to be 3

    btw im not christian so plz dont start with anti christian sentiments

    oh yes im sure uv all seen the news we r supposed to now allow polygomous marriages and  pretty soon the arabs will demand their own state and iwill have to wear a burkha

    shame on the australian govt shame shame shame we will soon be called aust arabia

    ps for all those concerned I will be migrating to saudi arabia and fighting for my right to wear jeans and eat pork and non halal and il soon be submitting an application to build a temple gurwarda synagogue and church in mecca sure the arabs will be willing as they know all about the rights of people

  7. Dominican Republic! It's a great country! And a very beautiful island

  8. If you live in the US Indonesia would be good for you. They enjoy taking peoples heads off their shoulders over there. Especially Americans.

  9. FRANCE!!

    -great health care and great education system! (well anywhere but the U.S. is a great education system!)

  10. Try Iran.  They love American Liberals.  Don't wait move now

  11. Try the liberal utopia of Cuba. I hear they have great universal health care plan, and now Raul will let you have a cell phone.

  12. USA is a very good country for its citizens if you compare it with the other countries around the world. It provides all sorts of facilities to its citizens. People around the world are eager to get US cizenship. Dont worry about the election. You are at the best place.

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