
What is a good defense thesis for a research essay that deals with the deathh of a child in the family?

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What is a good defense thesis for a research essay that deals with the deathh of a child in the family?




  1. Whoah!!!!! What a question!  This is a messy answer and I will edit if possible. But for now, here are some of the ideas I can come up with:

    Because my family went through a similar experience and because I lived through its consequences and how it shaped, transformed my family dynamics, I did wonder myself about similar ideas.

    I would look at the medical aspects and how an unnatural event medically affects the individual and the family. How deep-seated as well as cultural elements shape our views.

    While working in Guatemala (where many parents have lost their children due to the numerous wars and human rights violations), I had the opportunity to look at some of the medical aspects regarding the effects of loosing a child on a mother/father and further the family.

    Specific illnesses have been recorded that are found in diverse families who have experienced the loss of a child. Questions we raised as anthropologists were:

    How can we use culture and religion in various violent societies who have experienced many wars and/or human rights violations in order to understand and accept an unnatural but  common concept: the death of a child.

    It is critical to find new meaning to this aberrant certitude in order to find ways for families to heal.

    Another possible thesis dealing with the death of a child in the family is a comparative cross-cultural study where selected cultures are being presented in an historical, environmental, political contexts along with each one of them world view on theparticular phenomenon. The comparative can be in a timeline setting comparing today's civilizations with past societies. It would be interesting to look at how this "life event" has changed meaning throughtout the ages? and how one meaning can differ according to social and political contexts.

    3. another approach could also include the role of motherhood in any of the cultures being studied

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