
What is a good diet for me if i want to be a lacto-vegitartian?

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i really want to be a vegitartian but i am having trouble figureing out what i should eat instead of meat...




  1. Here is a helpful site - they have several sample menu plans you can check out, and some other handy info:

    beans, tofu, rice, veggies (of course!) fruits, nuts, cheese- there's alot you can eat after giving up meat!

  2. For breakfast as an idea (its what i have)on your cereal  in the morning ( i have weetbix) include some walnuts (omega 3 source) and seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds, also try some carob powder from the health food store and some sultanas  and fresh fruit. w ith your b/fast have wholegrain toast with a spread and also have an organic or free range boiled egg.

    lunch should be your main meal, you could try some recipies like a shepherds pie, made from mashed kidney beans with vegies or lentils or a fake meat or something, with mash ontop. You could also make vegetable or spinach lasagnes, using coconut cream for your white sauce. patties are also nice u can make from just about anything, try including nuts like walnuts with oats or rice and carrot, onions and herbs etc (i like using chickpeas with rice, onion, coooked potatoes and seasonings (soy sauce, herbs etc) processed together and fried in olice oil after dusting with flour. you could also make vegetable pies or pasties or a loaf fom same ingrediants as patties. with what u make, serve with salad or vegies

    for dinner its best for your bodies digestion to keep it light, and have something likesoup, or sandwhiches, muffins, fruit with custard or baked beans on toast.

    what ever u eat make sure u eat regular amounts of legumes, nuts and seeds, grains, fruit and vegies (i think eggs also for your B12)

  3. Well,you can be a lacto-ovo-veggie.

    Which means you eat dairy,eggs,fruits,veggies,grains.

    In my opinion it is the healthiest form of veggie because you can easily get enough protein,and you won't have trouble finding things you can eat.

  4. -beans & nuts (protein)


    -meat alternatives such as 'fake' meat. Try Yves products (found in superarkets in the produce section)

    and the very delicious oh naturel products from shneiders. I recommend the fake chicken nuggets, sooo good!

    (they are found in the frozen section, near the frozen meat)

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