
What is a good diet not real expensive and where you don't have to do alot of excercise?

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What is a good diet not real expensive and where you don't have to do alot of excercise?




  1. Drink only water.  

    Also - eat whatever you want!  The catch: Eat consciously.  You're only supposed to eat when you feel like your stomach is going to growl (or when it does growl).  That's your body's way of telling you its time for food.  Also, you have to chew your food for about 15-20 seconds (alot tougher than it sounds), swallow, then put down the fork for a few seconds.  Enjoy the food.  Seriously, this is a fun diet too.  I have been doing this for about 2 months and i've lost 10 pounds (and I eat McDonalds 3 times a week so imagine if I didnt even eat fast food).  Your meals should take you about 20 minutes to finish if you do it right. Check out Paul McKenna's "I Can Make You Thin" for alot more details on this great strategy... I saw it on that TLC channel one day and it's the first "diet" i stuck with.  

  2. Such a huge part of any successful diet depends on your body type, medical history and lifestyle that to say any ONE diet is the best would be very silly. However, I have found huge success (70 lbs.) on the Zone diet. I have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure and since we are good german stock, more of an all over largeness than being fat and this is the very first diet that has changed the way my body looks and the energy I have. I would DEFINITELTLY recommend this one.

  3. eat rice and fish or really lean meat like chicken breast. dont have too much protein or too many carbs. this is a good blog site to go onto to get idea's how to lose weight and still eat healthy and good:

  4. the lemonade diet

  5. i think a good place to start is changing what you order when you go out to eat. i just blogged about tips for being healthier at restaurants... i'll post a link below.

    good luck!


  6. Adkins is a very good healthy diet and if done right you can take off 3-4 pounds per week.  You eat beef, chicken, pork,and  fish .  Green vegatables (no English peas) nuts.  Items forbidden are sugar, potatoes, flour, all starchy vegatables.

  7. I personally don't believe in diets. When I choose to lose weight I just go on portion control which is mostly what Weight Watchers and the like are all about. I use the smaller plates that I have, I think they are called bread plates which helps a lot with my portion control. I find that as long as it looks like a full plate I can trick myself into thinking I ate a lot.

    Secondly I also up my water intake to about 10-12 glasses a day. I am funny about water. It has to be ice cold and I have to drink it out of a straw. I found these cups and I love them because they keep my water cold for so long, have lids with a hole for a straw...perfect for me. They are called Tervis Tumblers and they have a life time warranty. If you ever break one you just send it back and they will replace it for free. They are on the expensive side but with a lifetime makes it a little better.

    As for exercise I simply walk for 30 minutes. Not a stroll but a real walk. You have to get your heart rate up. Once you get stronger and healthier you can start walking longer. I don't like to run and I believe it really isn't good for you. All that compression on your spine and knees can't be good for you.

    So to sum it up quickly...

    Diet: Portion Control (very cheap because you can get two meals out of your regular ONE meal.)

    Exercise: 30 minutes of walking a day.

    I dropped 15 pounds in a month this way.

    Good Luck I wish you the best!

  8. It's called "starvation". All you have to do is lie there and not eat anything ever, and you'll lose weight. Weight loss will continue long after death sets in.

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